Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five Directors Of Fonterra Sri Lanka Received Notices For Contempt Of Court

The District Court in Gampaha which has issued an enjoin order against Fonterra Brand Sri Lanka Private Limited today issued notices for five of the board of directors in Fonterra on charges of contempt of court.

Notices were issued to the fonterra directors for charges of distributing leaflets among public on fonterra brand milk powder products during 17 to 19 august and issuing of a press release to media organizations claiming their products as 100% safe for consumption despite the enjoin order issued by the court on 16th of august preventing distributing,selling and advertising all milk products of the said company.after the lawyers of plaintiffs who filed the court case against fonterra produced evidence for these charges before court today the district judge has issued notices for five directors of fonterra Sri Lanka.

The enjoin order issued against fonterra will  remain until 30th of August  while the court case will be heard  again on this Friday.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

GMOA To Handover A Food Safety Policy To Healh Minister

The Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) is due to handover the policy of  food safety in Sri Lanka contained with eight proposals to the health minister maithripala sirisena on this Thursday(22)according to the media spokesman of GMOA Dr.Naveen Soyza. the policy made by GMOA has  compromising   eight proposals on food safety including the promoting of using liquid milk in the country,training doctors in the fields of toxicology and nutrition and strengthening the regulations in food act.

GMOA is  also planning  to have  a debate among professionals on the proposed food safety policy.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Interim Order Against Fonterra On Banning Advertising Their Milk Powder Products Extended

The Court Of Appeal has today(19) extended the interim order issued to Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka Private Limited from banning advertising their milk powder products in print and electronic media as 100% safe till 02nd of September.the court has previously issued the said interim order  on 08th of August  per a request made by an architect Mr.Saliya Samarasinha through a petition filed by him in the court.the previous interim order issued till 21 st of August.

The petition filed against fonterra company has began it's hearing today before two judge panel compromising chairman of court of appeal skandaraja and malini at law upul jayasuriya who appeared behalf of the plaintiff has said his client will produced documents to courts against fonterra accusing them of contempt of court by not implementing the  interim order .the tests carried out in new zealand on milk powder products produced by them have proved that the products have  contained DCD agro chemical which is harmful for human consumption attorney jayasuriya has said.

The proceedings of the case scheduled to be  resumed on 02nd of September.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Large Stock Of Whey Protein Contained Milk Powder and Milk Products Have Removed From Sales Oulets

The Public Health Inspectors have taken 142,426 packs/bottles of Whey Protein and Whey Powder contained Milk Powder,Milk Products and drinks in to custody during last week and sealed them according to Sri Lanka Public Health Officers Union .the secretary of the Union Mr.Senerath Bandara has said that these Milk Products and Drinks were taken into custody during the raids carried  out in 10,719 sales outlets throughout the island.

During these raids public health inspectors have removed 63,266 slabs of Whey Powder contained Chocolates,19,256 packets of Milk Powder,19,351 packets of Infant Milk Powder ,20,591 bottles of liquid milk products ,14,516  packets of milk products and 5446 bottles /Cannes of Energy Drinks Mr.Senerath has said.these Whey Protein and Whey Powder contained Milk Powder and Milk Products will be out of shelves in all sales outlets throughout the island until investigation on these products completed he has stressed.

It has been reported that the Bacteria "Clostredium Boulinum" entered in to some batches of a  infant formula produced by the  giant dairy factory in New Zealand and distributed to foreign markets.due to this situation sri lanka too taken steps to investigate whether the imported milk powders in local market too contaminated with the bacteria .

Already around 250 samples of milk powder available in the market have sent to Medical Research Institute in Colombo for Bacteria  tests.

 A  Stock Of 142,426 Whey Protein Contained Milk Powder/Milk Products Hve Been Removed From The Market

Friday, August 16, 2013

Enjoin Order Has Been Issued Preventing Fonterra From Distributing,Selling And Advertising Their milk Products

The Gampaha District court Judge has today (16) issued an enjoin  order preventing distributing ,selling and advertising all milk powder and milk products produced by Fonterra Company in local market for 14 days.this enjoin order was issued according to the request made by Government Nursing Officers Union though the court case filed bythem.

Government Nursing Officers Union today has filed a case in Gampaha District Court against Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka Private Limited for advertising their milk powder products as free from DCD Chemical and Botulism bacteria although their parent company in New Zealand has accepted their products are contaminated with them.the court order will stand till 30th of August.

Even the New Zealand based fonterra company has recalled  their milk powder products from countries like  China,Hong Kong,Russia,Vietnam and Thailand and also apologized them for contaminating their  milk powder products with bacteria but the sri lankan fonterra still not ready to accept this bitter truth the plaintiffs  charged.also the ministry of primary industries in new zealand too accepted  that fonterra products have contaminated with DCD recently they said.

As fonterra brands Sri Lanka Limited has trying to mislead sri lankan consumers through false advertisements by stating their milk powder products are free from chemicals and bacterias the government nursing officers union has urged the district court to issue injunction  and enjoin orders preventing fonterra company in sri lanka by distributing,selling and advertising their products for 14 days until 30th of August .

The court case is scheduled to be heard on 30th  August.President of Government Nursing Officers Union Saman Ratnapriya,secretary and the union treasurer are the plaintiffs of this case while   Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka Limited situated in no.100,Delgoda Road Biyagama ,Sri Lanka and it's general manager Leon Clement were the respondents of the case.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

162,500 Low Quality Blood Transfusion Kits Have Distributed Among Major Government Hospitals

Around 162,500 low quality Blood Transfusion Kits have been purchased from a Company in Singapore and distributed among major government hospitals throughout the island the Health Services Trade Union Alliance (HSTUA) has said.the said stock of low quality blood transfusion kits are having small hole each and they are covered with sticker pasted on the hole the alliance revealed.

According to the president of HSTUA Mr.Saman Rathnapriya through this unsafe low quality blood transfusion kits blood donor as well as the blood recipient will face health problems .medical supplies division of the Ministry Of Health which purchased these blood kits for  Rs.42.28 per a kit purchased the stock on 15th of July this year.the expiry date of the said blood transfusion kits are May 2016 he has said.the health services trade union alliance has appealed from the health minister and health ministry secretary to investigate on the said stock of low quality blood transfusion kits before allow government hospitals to use them.

Government Nursing Officers Union To Go To Courts Against Fonterra

Government Nursing Officers Union has decided to filed court case against New Zealand Milk Powder Manufacture Fonterra withing next few days for  contempt of court by advertising their milk products as free from  DCD Chemical and Clostredium Bacteria even after investigations have revealed that the said products are contaminated with them.

speaking at a press briefing held in Colombo this noon the president of Nursing Officers Union Saman Ratnapriya has said that Fonterra Company has trying to mislead the general public in Sri Lanka by advertising false facts on their products while the parent company of Fonterra in Ne
w Zealand has accepted that some of their milk products have contaminated with DCD Chemical and Clostredium Bacteria.he has questioned on the double standard the company has adapted  on the issue in here and abroad.

Even the New Zealand government and Fonterra Company have apologized from the countries like China,Hong Kong Russia and Vietnam for exporting Whey Protein contained Milk Powders contaminated with Bacteria for them he has stressed.

Julian Asange Fly To Australia After Leaving US Court As A Free Man