Friday, April 23, 2010

Thirty Seven New Cabinet Ministers And Thirty Nine Deputies Appointed

Thirty Seven New Cabinet Ministers and Thirty Nine  Deputy Ministers were sworn in  before the President Mahinda Rajapksha at the Presidential Secretariat this noon.Almost every former Minister appointed to to the new Cabinet are given a New Ministry and the most talked about changes  are the new appointments to the Ministries of Health,Education and Media as Former Agriculture Minister Mathirepala Sirisena appointed as the New Health Minister,Former Consumer affairs Minister Bandula Gunawardena appointed as the new Eduction Minister and Most controverial figure who involved in attacks on Private Media Institutions Former Labour Minister Mervyn de silva got the deputy minister post of Media as the President keeps the Media Ministry under his authority.

There are three female Cabinet Ministers in the new cabinet.Prime Minister of the new government is D.M Jayarathna.

Earlier yesterday the first session of the seventh Parliament was held and MP and President's elder brother Chamal Rajapaksha was appointed as the new Speaker and all the Government and Opposition MP's were sworn in as Parliamentarians afterwards.The most notable attandee at the occassion was the former Army Commander and the leader of the Democratic National Alliance(DNA) Retired General Sarath Fondeka who is under the military detention.He too take oaths as a MP yesterday.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Three essential injections are out of stock at hospitals

Three varieties of essential injections are out of stock at the government hospitals and government pharmacies these days according to the hospital sources. Calcium gluconate,dextrose and an injection given for vomiting are out of stock at the hospitals according to the sources.

Re Polling Of Two Districts Scheduled For Tomorrow

The Re polling of the Nawalapitiya and Trincomalee Districts which were anulled by the Elections Commissioner is scheduled to held tomorrow(20).The Ballot Boxes for the poll were already transported to the Voting centres according to the Election Commisioners office.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sri Lankan Air Lines Cancelled Direct Flights To European Destinations

Sri Lankan Air Line authorities too canceled their direct flights temporarily to the European destinations London,Paris and Frankfurt with immediate effect following the thick ash cloud  spread throughout the Northern and Southern European sky due to the volcanic eruption occurred in Iceland yesterday.British Air Ways flying Colombo to London too  canceled their flights following the closure of British Air Ports

Due to the cancellation of Flights to Europe Thousands of Foreigners and Locals who are planned to fly European destinations have been seen today standard at the Bandaranaike International Air Port  in Katunayaka,Colombo

According to the authorities they cancelled the Flights till the situation has improved.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sinhalese And Tamil Communities In Sri Lanka Celebrated Traditional New Year With Harmony

Sinhalese and Tamil Communities today jointly celebrated their Traditional New Year for the first  time after ending three decade old terrorism in the Country.Both Communities celebrated the New year which was dawn at 6.58 a.m today according to the astrologers.

Sinhalese and Tamils all over the world joined this Celebrations by preparing traditional Milk Rice along with sweet meats and taking the meal at a given auspicious time on 9.07 a.m Sri Lankan time.After taking meals at the auspicious time younger ones worship the elders and Exchange Money which was a part of the New Year traditions.

Exchanging meals with Neighbors was also taken place after wards.Large number of Traditional New Year Game festivals were organized throughout the country to mark the new year celebrations.

The Oil annoying Ceremony which is also a major part of the New Year Festival is due to be held tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sri Lankan Sinhalese And Tamil Community Celebrates Traditional New Year Tomorrow

Sinhalese and Tamil Sri Lankans all over the world Celebrates their traditional  Sinhala/Tamil New Year tomorrow(14) by taking meals at a single  auspicious time recommended by Astrologers.All Sri Lankan Sinhalese and Tamil People celebrates this new year as the First New Year with peace after the Sri Lankan Military crushed the LTTE Terrorists  who were fought for a separate homeland in Sri Lanka on 19th of May 2009.

People in North and Eastern Provinces who were subjected to harrasment when the LTTE  controled these Provinces too are getting ready to Celebrate this New Year with their Sinhalese Brothers and sisters in South.

Taking meals including the traditional Milk Rice and Oil Cakes in a given auspicious time,Exchanging meals with Neighbors ,Visiting relatives and applying special oil in the  given auspicious time are the main events in this Traditional New  Year festival.Meanwhile US Secretary of state Hilarry Clinton too issued a Greating message today on the Sri Lankan New Year Festival and praised  Sri Lankan Sinhalese and Tamil Communities for celebrating this new year  in a peaceful enviornment first time since three decades..

Monday, April 12, 2010

Major Hospitals To Limit The Surgeries Due To Lack Of Staff

Major Government Hospitals decided to limit the  major surgeries performed in Hospitals during this weak as the majority of the Hospital Staff are on leave due to the forthcoming Sinhala and Hindu New Year.Most of the Hospital staff are on leave since last Thursday where the Sri Lankan Elections held.The only Government Children Hospital the Lady Ridgway Hospital-Colombo decided to suspend the routine heart surgeries during this weak due to the shortage of staff  sources said.

However the Emergancy Operations will be carriedout as usual according to the Ridgway Hospital Sources .

Welipanna Entry Of Southern Express Highway Closed Due To Floods

The Welipanna   Entry of the Southern Express Highway has been temporarily closed  down today(01) due to the floods in the entry  it has  be...