Monday, August 31, 2020

Crimes Unit OIC Of Mount Lavinia Pokice Was Interdicted

Former OIC of Crimes Division attached
to Mount Lavinia Police T.R Hettiarachchi had been interdicted over his relationship with members of the organized crime gangs and Irregularities.

The Former Crimes OIC Hettiarachchi had been interdicted after the allegations leveled against him were proved through an investigation carried out by Senior Supirinhtendent of Police in charge of Western Province.

Accordingly under the instructions of Deputy Inspector General Of Police of the Western Province Deshabandu Tennakoon the interdiction order was carried out by the Senior Supirintendent of Police in charge of Nugegoda Police division .

Former Prime Minister Ranil Wilramasinghe And Former Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam Had Given Statements Regarding Easter Sunday Attacks

Former Prime Minister had appeared
before the police unit of the Commission appointed to probe on Easter Sunday attacks ,yesterday (31).

Former Prime Minister Wikramasinghe had left the unit after giving 04 hour statement it has been reported.

Meanwhile Education Minister of the Former good governance government United National Party  (UNP ) General Secretary Akila Viraj Kariyawasam had Also appeared before the police unit and gave a 02 hour statement regarding the Easter Sunday attacks .   

Eight Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Yesterday (31)

Anorther 08 Corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals yesterday  (31)after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals had been increased to 2868 .  

Thirty Six Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (31)

A total of 36 Corona positives had been
reported in the country yesterday   (31) increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 3049 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly  32 arrivals from Qatar, 02 Seamen arrived from India and 02 arrivals from United Arab Emirates (UAE) had tested positive for Corona virus yesterday .

At the moment 169 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Coronavirus: Cases on Tui flight from Zante to Cardiff


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Girl thrown into air by kite in Taiwan

"අවංක මිත්‍රත්වයක් සැම විටම ප්‍රිය කළේ අනවබෝධය අවබෝධයක් බවට හැරවීමටය -ඉක්මනින් එකිනෙකා හමුවීමටය -එක්ව දගු ගමනක් යාමටය "

HIV/AIDS Infections Among Youth 19-25 Years Are On The Increase

HIV and AIDS basics | womenshealth.govHIV/AIDS infection rate among  Sri Lankan youth belonging to  19-25 year age category is on the increase according to the Director of National Sexual Transmitted Diseases /AIDS Control Programe Dr.Rasanjali Hettiarachchi .

This situation has occurred due to the risky unprotected relationships among these youth Dr.Hetttiarachchi has told .According to the data collected from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD
) Clinics island wide recently 20 percent of new HIV /AIDS Infections are youth of the 19-25 age category she has stressed .

Meanwhile only 2000 out of the estimated 3600 HIV/AIDS Positives are being registered at STD clinics island wide to receive treatment and 1600 had not registered and spreading the virus among healthy persons in society  unknowingly doctors have stated . 

28 Youth Were Arrested At A Facebook Party In Akmeemana ,Galle This Morning (30)

13 Ways to Use Facebook Events for Your Brand | Sprout Social
Akmeemana Police have arrested 28 youth including 02 females at a Facebook party held in a Hotel at Akmeemana ,Galle in wee hours of this morning (30)  as  some of them had  narcotics in their possession .

Police have found 06 packets of Kerala Cannabis in possession of  06 youth it has been revealed .All the arrested youth are 18-22 years old and arrived at the party from several areas including Rathnapura ,Ehaliyagoda ,Ampara and Uhana areas it has been reported ,They had purchased tickets for the Party  for Rs.500,1500 and 5000 organized by a Facebook Group according to reported.

The arrested youth are due to produce before Galle Magistrate Court  over violating quarantine rules the Police have stated .

Germany coronavirus: Anger after attempt to storm Reichstag


An Eighty Year Old Female Arrived From Australia Had Escaped From Nagoda Hospital And Later Recovered From Kegalle-She Had Tested Negative For Corona Virus

COVID-19 positive murder accused escapes from hospital in Ambala | India  News – India TVHealth Authorities had managed to found an eighty year old Sri Lankan female arrived from Australia who had escaped from Nagoda Hospital in Kalutara after being admitted there whilst on quarantine at a Hotel in Beruwala it has been reported ,

The female who had arrived from Australia recently was  admitted to the Nagoda Hospital due to a mental disorder she got and had escaped from the hospital last Friday (28th ) morning  the health authorities have stated .Later she was found whilst at her home in Kegalle yesterday (29th ) by the authorities  .

She had traveled  her house in Kegalle by  Bus and soon after finding her she was sent to the National Mental Health Institute in Angoda for further treatment .

Meanwhile she had tested negative for Corona Virus .Health authorities had earlier taken steps to self quarantine 07 workers attached to a shop in kegalle in which the female had visited ,

Eleven Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (30) After Full Recovery

Sri Lanka : Only one out of 71 admitted to hospital in Sri Lanka infected  with coronavirus - health officialAnother 11 Corona Positives had been recovered and discharged from hospitals today (30) according to the Epidemiology Unit.

 Accordingly a total of 2860 Corona Positives had been discharged from hospitals so far after full recovery .

Seventeen Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today -Total Number Of Corona Positives Had Exceeded 3000

11 dead as Coronavirus outbreak spreads in Italy | english meepura
A total of 17 Corona Positives had been reported in the country today (30) so far ,increasing the total number of Corona positives reported to 3012 according to the Epidemiology Unit.

Accordingly 17 foreign arrivals including 12 arrivals from United Arab Emirates (UAE) and 03 arrivals from Maldives had tested positive for Corona virus whilst on quarantine at quarantine centers the Unit has stated ,The whereabouts of last 02 Corona positives reported today has not yet been revealed .

At the moment 140 Corona Positives are being treated at Government Hospitals .

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fire Breaks out in Madrid Block


Navy Had Arrested Two Persons Along With 5.500 Kilo Grammes Of Gold In Northern Seas

Sri Lanka Navy have arrested two
persons who had transported 5,500 Kilo Grammes of Gold illegally through a Dinghy Boat at Kareinagar in Jaffna during a search mission carried out in Northern seas .

The stock of Gold taken in to custody in possession of the suspects were stored in 04 boxes it has been revealed. 

The two suspects who are of the ages 30 and 32 years along with the stock of Gold had been handed over to the customs office at Jaffna for further investigations.

Coastal protection Department officials had assisted the Sri Lanka Navy to carry out this search mission .

Another Seven Corona Positives Had Been. Discharged From.Hospital.

Another 07 Corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals today (29)after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit .

The total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals affer full recovery has been increased to  2849 .

A total of 2743 "PCR "tests had been performed in the country yesterday  (28)..

SiX Corona Positives Had Been Reported So Far Today (29)

A total of 06 Corona positives had been
reported in the country today (29)  upto now, increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 2995 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 04 arrivals from United Arab Emirates ,01 arrival From Lebanon and 01 arrival  from United Kingdom had tested positive for Corona virus the unit has stated.

At the moment 134 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

France Sees Exponential Rise In Corona Virus Cases


Dambulla Police Had Taken In To Custody A Haul Of Heroin Hidden In A Canal.

Police officers attached to Dambulla

Police had taken into custody around haul of Heroin weighing 500 Grammes and 15 Mili Grammes hidden in a canal at Amuna  road in  Walekade junction belongs to  Dambulla  Police division during a raid carried out in the area last morning (28).

No one was arrested on this regard so far and Dambulla Police are investigating over the incident .

Vote On Account On 1300 Billion Government Expenditure For This Year Had Been Passed In Parliament

The vote on Account regarding the
estimated government expenditure for the next 04 months of this year had been passed in Parliament yesterday (28) Without a vote.

The Vote on Account was passed without a vote due to the absence of opposition party MP's in the house soon after the debate on the  account of 1300 billion government expenditure for the next four months from September to December ,has ended .

Three Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (28)

Three Corona Positives Had been
reported today (28) in the country, Increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 2989 according to Epidemeolgy Unit .

Accordingly two arrivals from United Arab Emirates  (UAE) and an arrival from Kuwait had tested positive for Corona virus today .

At the moment 135 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

Polar Bear Kills A Man In Norway


Another 12 Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (28)After Full Recovery

Another 12 Corona positives had been 
discharged from hospitals today  (28)after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far after full recovery had risen to 2842 the unit has stated .  

Qunituplets Were Born in De Soyza Hospital Today (28)

Qunituplets(Five infants  ) were born to
a mother admitted to the De Soyza Maternity Hospital in  Borella  (Colombo ) today (28)through a CeaserIan surgery according  to the Hospital sources .

All the five infants born are female infants and they along with their mother are in good health  the sources have revealed .

A team of doctors under the supervision of Gynaecologist Dr.Pabodhana Ranaweera had performed the surgery .

The patrents  of the qunituplets are residents of Gampaha District and this is their first child birth it has been revealed. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Three Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (27)

A total of 03 Corona positives had been
reported yesterday  (27) increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far from the country to 2986 according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly an arrival From Kuwait and another arrival From United Arab Emirates as well as a pregnant female who are under self quarantine at home in chilaw after completing quarantine process at a Quarantine Center had tested positive for corona virus

 2853 "PCR "tests had been performed during yesterday the unit has stated.

At the moment 144 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

186 Sri Lankans Stranded In Australia And Maldives Brought Back To Sri Lanka Yesterday (27)

A group of 186 Sri Lankans stranded at
Australian and Maldives due to the corona pandamic had been brought back to Sri Lanka by Two Special Sri Lankan Airlines flights today  (27).

Accordingly a special Sri Lankan Airlines flight had brought  back 160 Sri Lankans from Perth, Australia  to Mattala International Airport in Hambanthota   and another Sri Lankan Airlines flight had brought back 26 Sri Lankans from Male International Airlines in Maldives .

"PCR "tests were performed on them at the Mattala and Katunayake Airports before quarantine process.

rought back 26 Sri Lankans at standed

Eleven Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From. Hospitals Today (27)

A total of 11 Corona positives had been

o from hospitals today (27) after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far had been increased to 2830 the unit has stated.

At the moment  143 CoronaElevenn positives are being treated at Government Hospitals.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Protest Erupt After Black Man Was Shot in Wisconcin

wishwasaya-surakeema-sadakalika Mithudamaka Arambayay

EU Trade Commissioner Resigns Over Corona Breach


STF Personal Had Taken In To Custody 998 Kilo Grammes Of Turmeric Pieces At Puttalam

Special Police Task Force(STF) Personal
in Puttalam District had taken in to custody pieces of Turmeric weighing 998 Kilo grammes  believes to be imported  illegally without paying tatties at Kalpitiya area.

The police Task Force Personal had taken into custody the Turmeric pieces stored inside  a Lorry and also recovered documents believes to be of the person imported them ,during the raid .

The stock of Turmeric pieces and documents had been handed over to the Kalpitiya Police for further investigations. 

Obesity Increases The Risk Of Covid 19


Easter Commission Officers Had Reported A 09 Hour Long Statement Of Former President Maithripala Sirisena

Officers attached to Police unit of the 
Commission probe on Easter Sunday attacks had today (26)recorded a 09 Hour long  statement from former President Maithripala Sirisena at his residence in Padget road ,Colombo over Easter Sunday attacks occurred  April last year.

Accordingly the officers attached to police unit of the Easter Commission had arrived at former President 's residence this morning and left in the evening after   recording a statement .

Earlier on 21 st of August  the police unit of the commission had informed the former president Sirisena  to appear before the unit today.However as he has informed his inability to appear before the police unit today the team of Police officers had gone to his residence to record the statement.

Thirteen Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (26)-10 Were Inmates Of Kandakadu Drug Rehabilitation Center

A total of 13 Corona positives had been
reported today (26)in the country, increasing the total number  of Corona positives reported so far to 2984 according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly  out of the 13 Corona positives reported in the country today ,10 were inmates of the Kandakadu Drug Rehabilitation Center ,02 were arrivals from Maldives and  01 was arrival from Kenya the unit has stated.

At the moment 153 Corona positives are being treated in  Government Hospitals. 

Sri Lankans From.Qatar, Germany And United Arab Emirates Had Arrived At Sri Lanka Today (26) Due To Corona Pandamic

A group  of 426 Sri Lankans Who are
unable to Come to Sri Lanka due to corona pandamic from Qatar, Germany and United Arab Emirates had been brought back to Sri Lanka early this morning  (26)through special flights .

Accordingly 296 Sri Lankans from Qatar, 102 from Germany and 23 From United Arab Emirates had arrived at Katunayake International Airport.

"PCR "tests were performed on  all these Passangers and cabin crews of the flights at Katunayake Airport before begining Quarantine process  

Three Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (26)

A total of 03 Corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals today  (26)affer full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far affer full recovery had risen to 2819 the unit has stated.

At the moment 151 Corona positives are being treated in Government Hospitals. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Elephant At Warsaw Zoo To Test Cannabis Extract Oil


Africa Declared Free Of Wild Polio In Milestone


Another 12 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (25)

Another 12 Corona positives had been reported in the country today  (25)  increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to
2971 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 12 arrivals from India had been tested positive for Corona virus today .

At the moment 143 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals.

The total number of "PCR "tests performed in the country so far to identify Corona positives is 211,090 according to the Health Promotions Bureau. 

Five Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (25)

A total of 05 Corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals today (25)after full recovery according to the Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals after full recovery had risen to 2816 .

Health Trade Unions Demanding To Advertise The Post Of Director General Of Health Services-No Need For Acting Post

Health Trade Unions are demanding
the  Government to Advertise the Post of  Director General Of Health Services  (DG)and appointed a suitable person for the post without appointing  someone to cover the duties of the Post  (Acting ).

Health trade unions are demanding this As Deputy  Director General of Health Services (Planning ) Dr.S.Sridharan has been appointed as the Acting Director General of Health Services following the appointment of former  DG Dr.Anil Jasinghe  as the new Secretary to the Ministry of Enviornment.

However according to the Government Medical Laboratory Technologists Union Acting DG post is not relevent to the Health Sector at the moment and the vacant DG post should have advertised and then need to select the most suitable candidate for the post according to the due procedure .

Until a suitable candidate is being selected, the medical administrator who is the most senior in the Health Department should have been  appointed to cover up the duties of DG Post the union has stated.

However Dr.Sridharan who has been appointed as acting  DG   was selected by avoiding senior administrators in the Health Department health unions have pointed out .