Wednesday, June 30, 2010

General Fonseka To Form A New Party

Former Army commander retired General Sarath Fonseka has submitted an application to the Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dishanayaka seeking approval for  forming a new party of his own.He named the new party as Democratic Peoples Alliance and appointed Tiran Allas as the party secretary.

The new party is also a member of the Democratic National Alliance which is lead by General Fonseka. Even he lead the Alliance he is not having a party of his own up to date.

General Fonseka who is also a member of the National Parliament is currently in prison on an allegations on war crimes leveled against him by the government and also facing a court martial on these allegations.

One Day Workshop For Parliamentary MP's On Immunization Programme

Ministry Of Health planned to conduct a workshop on our Immunization Progrmme to all parliamentary MP's in 15th of July at the Waters Edge Hotel in Battaramulla according to the Ministry sources.The One day workshop is organize to provide  the technical knowledge on the Immunization Programme.

2490 Dengue Patients In The Month Of June

Around 2490 Dengue Patients were reported throughout the Island  and 14 deaths were reported during the Month of June Epidemiological Unit said today.According the unit due to the rain there is a risk of spreading the Disease further.

People are advised to clean their gardens and removing the empty cans,and other medias where the Dengue mosquito lay their eggs.

A Shortage Of Saline And Gose

There is a shortage in Saline and the surgical Item Gose in the Medical Supplies Division of the Ministry of Health Health sources said today.According to the sources  saline bottles only numbering 100,000 which are sufficient for 5 days to use in Government Hospitals are available at  the MSD in present and the stock of Gose are currently out of stock at the supplies division.

The failure to import these essential drugs and surgical items in time  by the previous authorities is the main fact behind this shortage according to the sources.Health Ministry recently decided to stop importing of Gose for the Government Hospitals to encourage local Gose suppliers to produce sufficient amount of Gose for the local hospitals.

Government Hospital Nurses To wear Black Bands From Friday

Government Hospital nurses are due to launch an Island wide protest campaign on wearing Black Bands from  this Friday(02)  demanding to solve 11 of their service demands Public Services Nurses Union has announced today.Around 20,000 nurses Island wide will join this protest campaign which will run 7 days and thereafter will decide the future cause of action during next weak according to the union.

A spokesman of the Nurses union said that the Ministry of Health failed to solve 11 of their service demands which including the promotions problem and implementing of the nurses constitution.Health Ministry Officials are not available for comment on the nurses protest campaign.

Monday, June 28, 2010

ADVERTISEMENT-For An Effective Drug/Alcoholic Rehabilitation and Treatment Step In To Axis

Axis  the top Californian residential Drug Rehabilitation Center organizing programmes for those who are addicted for  Drug and Alcohol.This residential Center which situated in Palm Springs in eastern Los Angalese treats all sectors of the adult population without considering their sex and sexual orientation and their admission hot line is operating 24 hours a day ,7 days a weak to cater the needs of the needy.

Axis residential treatment will offer you a high quality of drug detoxification and alcohol addiction programmes.Axis residential treatment will offer you a 12 step theory and luxurious service for the addicts and their loved ones including access to the internet facility etc.Among the facilities available at the Center are unique holistic drug or alcohol 12 step programme,custom designed recovery  programme ,professionally experienced caring staff ,personal and group counseling,individualized treatment plans,pain management, and nutritionally  balanced meals.
So what are u waiting for.If you or your spouse/friend/relative is drug or alcoholic addict just call and step in to the most prestigious drug /alcoholic rehabilitation and treatment center in California the  Axis residential Drug Rehabilitation Center in California.

For more information on the treatment facilities available at the Center dial (866)900-2947.
For on line details on drug rehabilitation/treatment and alcoholic rehabilitation/treatment programmes  of  Axis visit    

Demonstration In Front Of UN Against Secretary General's Decision

A Demonstration was staged in front of the United Nations Office at Bauddhaloke Mawatha in Colombo 07 this morning to protest against UN secretary General Ban Ki Moon's decision to appoint an expert panel to advise him on Sri Lanka.This demonstration was organized by the Hela Jathika urumaya(JHU)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Government Increased The Liquor And Cigerrette Prices

Sri Lankan Government has decided to increase the prices of Liquor and Cigarettes with immediate effect.According to the price increase government imposed a Rs.50  increase of the tax on locally  imported liquor and cigarettes by Rs 1.Government also imposed a tax on wine by Rs.50.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lab and Radiography Tests Are Not Functioning Due To A Strike

The Issuing of Drugs at the Government Hospital Out door patient departments and the Radiography tests,Laboratory tests and Physiotherapy treatment were cripple today due to the token strike launched by the five professions of Professions supplementary to medicine(PSM).These professionals launched a strike action over five of their service demands.

 The strike is due to end tomorrow morning.

Bread Price Also Goes Up

Sri Lanka Bakers Association has decided to increase the price of Bread by Four Rupees with the effect from midnight tonight following the price increase of Wheat Flour.The flour supplier prima yesterday increased their flour price by Rs.10.50.

According to the new price hike the price of   450 gramme Bread loaf will  be Rs.44.Critics said that the prices of other Bakery products including Cakes and short eats too will increase in coming days mainly due to the increase of flour.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prima Increased The Flour Price

Prima the major Flour supplier in Sri Lanka today increased their Flour Prices by Rs.10.50 per Kilo due to removing tax concessions by the Government.According to the new Price hike a kilo of Flour will increased to Rs.73.50 from Rs.63.

PSM Health Professionals To Launch A Strike Tomorrow

Five major categories of health professionals belongs to the Professions supplementary to medicine(PSM) are due to launch an Island wide token strike from 8 a.m tomorrow morning onwards over five of their service demands.The demands are including halting  the amending of the PSM Degree and filling  the Vacancies of the administrative PSM professionals .

If their demands are not met during tomorrow the PSM Professions including Government Pharmacists,Radiographers,Medical Laboratory Technicians,Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are decided to continue their strike indefinitely.

Dengue Patients Are In Rise

As Showers are continue Seven Hundred twenty seven new Dengue patients were identified throughout the Island from the period of 15th to 18th of June Sri Lankan Epidemiology Unit sources said today.Altogether around seventeen thousand thirty five(17,035) Dengue patients were reported from the Island  up to now this year  and there were one hundred thirteen (113) deaths.

The highest number of Dengue patients were reported from Gampaha District and Districts of Colombo and Jafna placed the second and third slots.People are advised to clean their resident areas where Dengue Mosquitoes are breeding due to the showers that prevails in the Island.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Prices Of Milk Powder Increased

The Consumer Affairs Authority gave permission to increase the prices of 400 grammes and 1 Kilo pack of Milk Powder with the effect from midnight tonight.According to the new price increase  a 400 gramme pack of Milk Powder is increased from Rs.19 and 1 Kilo Pack from Rs.48.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Mass Wedding Ceremony Of Former LTTE Cadre Couples

A mass wedding ceremony of 53 rehabilitated former LTTE cadre couples was held this morning at Vavuniya.Popular Bollywood Actor Vivek Oberoi,Hambanthota MP Namal Rajapaksha and several other local  politicians were attended this function  which was organized by the Sri Lankan Government.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fifteen Thousand Dengue Patients Reported During The First Six Months Of This Year

Fifteen Thousand Five Hundrad eighty eight (15,588) Dengue patients are reported throught the Island from January to June this year and out of them Ninty were died according to the Sri Lankan Epidemeology Unit.The Most number of Dengue Patients were reported from the Jaffna District which is Two thousand seventy three  patients upto date.

Meanwhile the newly formed Presidential Task Force on Dengue Control launched preventive programmes in many districts throughout the Island according to the Ministry Of Health.

Malnutrition Amongst Sri Lankan Children And Mothers Are In Rise

Although sri lanka achieved greater heights on several Health Indicators comaparing with most other countries Malnutrition amongst Children,Adolesents and pregnent mothers are in rise Nutritionists warned.Child Malnutrition is very high at the moment and due to this 16.7 percent out of the SrI Lanka's 300,000 newly born infants are reported as having low birth weight.The weight of these children are well below 2.5 KG which is the normal birth weight of the infants.

According to the National Nutrition Policy launched at the Sri Lanka Foundation Insttiute on Last Tuesday 16.2 percent of Sri Lankan women are malnourished and 30.3 percent of pregnent Mothers are suffering from Anemia which was caused due to the malnutrition.Around 29 percent of the Children under the 5 years of age are suffering from Vtamin A Deficiancy Nutritionist said.

The Malnutrition status among children are same as that in Thirty years ago according to them.The Poorest People which represents the 20 percent of the local population are restrict their meals especially nutritious meals due to the daily price hike of food items and getting used to consume non nutritious foods according the Nutritionists.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Two Senior Medical Directors Involved In Robbing Foreign Training Opportunities

Two senior Medical Directors attached to the Health Ministry are continuously grabbing the short term foreign training opportunities  offered to other medical doctors ministry sources has been revealed.These two directors  is in abroad at present too for two foreign conferences  mentioned above.

This year alone these two went abroad five times apiece  according to the Ministry sources.A section of medical doctors made a  complaint on these two  to the president Mahinda Rajapaksha.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Cancer Vaccine Introduced To The Local Market

A new Cancer Vaccine which can prevent the Cervical Cancer which is the second commonest Cancer among Sri Lankan Women was introduced to the market this evening.At a function held in Colombo Hilton this evening GSK Pharmaceuticals introduced "Cervarix" Canver Vaccine which is acting as an Immunization Vaccine.

The Vaccine which is available for Rs.5950 per vial was launched under the approval of National Drug Authority.According to the Oncologists around 1252 Cervical Cancer Patients are reported from Sri Lanka annually and among them 625 patients died .The newly introduced vaccine is recommended for the girls above 10 years and  women.

More Bollywood Stars Arriving For IIFA

Popular Bollywood Actors,Sanjay Dutt,Anil Kapoor,Salman Khan,Bipasah Basu and Diya Mirza arrived Sri Lanka this evening to attend the International Indian Film Festival(IIFA) scheduled to be held in this Saturday.Along with these actors few Indian Musicians and Designers too arrived this evening.

IIFA Events begins with the Fashion Show tomorrow evening at the BMICH  featuring Famous Bolywood Actors and Actresses .Actor Vivek Oberoi will host this event.The Charity Cricket Match play between Bolywood Film Stars and National Cricketers is scheduled to play on this friday at the SSC Grounds in Colombo .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ktunayaka-Colombo Intercity Train Launched

The Katunayaka Air Port -Colombo Intercity Express Train launched it's maiden Journey this morning.

IIFA Brand Ambassador Decided To Skip The Event Held In Colombo

The Brand Ambassador of the International Indian Film Awards known as Indian Oscars Actor Amithab Bachchan has decided to skip from attending the Awards Ceremony scheduled to held 
on this saturday at Colombo Sri Lanka.He was under pressure after the Tamil Diaspora Group has threatened him not to attend the Ceremony.However Amithab was here last month to official launched the II FA Awards.

Meanwhile Along with Amithab few other Film Stars including Popular Actor Sharukh Khan,Aishwarya Rai,Abhishekh Bachchan and Arjun Rampal decided not to attend the Awards Ceremony citing their Official Asignments..Already the Co Host of the Awards Ceremony Vivek Oberoi,Lara Dutta.Bomini Airani were arrived Sri Lanka and around 100 other artists are due to arrive Sri Lanka from tomorrow.

Sri Lanka Slashed The Excise Duty On Imported Cars By 50 Percent

Sri Lankan Government today  slashed an import excise duty on vehicles by 50 percent and lifted 15 percent surcharge on all imports by slashing the duty of all electronic products.

Due to the slashing of excise duty customers who are importing Indian Made Marruti Cars now have to pay an excise duty that is   90 percent of the Value of the Car comparing to the early payment of 183 percent of it's value.Cars attracted over 300 in excise duties, import duties, value added taxes, port and airport development levies and national security levies.