Barack Obama Sworn In as 44th President Of The United States Of America Few Hours ago In front Of Large Number of People Including Former Presidents Of US At the National Park In washington D.C.Jo Biden Sworn in as the New Vice President Before the President Obama's Inauguration,The Sworn In Ceremony Of the American President Watched Live By the Millions Of Viewers World Wide Through The Television.
The Inauguration Of the US President Took place Under Heavy Security and Millions of People Gathered to the Inauguration Venue Hours Before The Ceremony Begins.Former US Presidents Jimmy Carter,George.W.Bush Senior,George Bush Junior And Bill Clinton are among the Distinguish Invitees Participated for the Ceremony.Filled with Charm and Passion Barack Obama Took his Oaths as New President and Deliver His Inauguration Speech Afterwards.He Then Signed Cabinet Nominations and the Declaration of Peace and Reconciliation As His First Act Of Duty After Took Office.
Afterwards New President and His Vice President Took Lunch at the Statuary Hall with the Congress Members.Three Course Meal Menu Including Seafood Stew,Peasent,Duck,Molasses Sweet Potatoes and Apple Cinamon Sponge Cake is Specially Prepared For This Occasion.After the Lunch President Obama Left For White House From a Motor Cade with the Cheers of the Large People who are Gathered to the Street Corner to Great Him.Earlier Officials said that they Expect Around 1.2 Million People to Attend the Inauguration Ceremony of the US President. At least One Million People Gathered to the Park Few Hours Earlier of the Inauguration.
As Obama Sworn In Out going President George w Bush will Leaving the President's Official Residence White House.Meanwhile People all over the world are Begun Their Celebrations to Mark Obama's Inauguration As President Today Including his Native Country Kenya and Japan where a City of Obama located.