Sunday, July 18, 2021

Tokyo Olympics: First competitors have Covid at athletes village

අව්‍යාජ සෙනෙහසට මිලක් නොමැත

 පමණට වඩා සිය බැඳීම කෙරෙහි විශ්වාසය තැබීම ,එයට ආදරය කිරීම හා ඒ තුළ ජීවත් වීම නොවැදගත් වනුයේ මුදල් , තත්ත්වය හා ගරුත්වය වැනි දැ පසුපස සීමාවක් නොමැතිව හඹා යන පුද්ගලයන්ටය ,එවැනි දෑ පසුපස හඹා නොයන අය සැමදා මුල් තැන දෙනුයේ තම බැඳීම ආරක්ෂා කිරීමටය (උපුටා ගැනීමකි ) 

Veteran Lyricist Camillus Perera Had Passed Away

 Veteran popular Sri Lankan  Lyricist wo had  penned many popular Sinhalese hit songs Camillus perera had passed away  yesterday (17 ) at the age of 74 it has been reported ,

During his career late Camillus Perera had written around 400   songs including "Hada wile ",Himi Nathi Pemakata ",Dewa Mandire and "Unmada wu Adare " ...He breathed his last at his home in Wattale yesterday .The funeral arrangements are to be announce dater ,

Europe floods: Victims face massive clean-up as waters recede



Teachers Unions To Continue Online Teaching Boycott

 Teachers Unions which had launched boycotting "Online Teaching for School Children had two weeks back had decided to continue with strike according to Union sources ,

Earlier they have demanded to release the president of the Ceylon Teachers Union Jospeh Stalin and other activists who were arrested by the police over conducting a protest in Colombo against Kothalawala Defense Academy act citing violating Anti Corona health guidelines .However after the releasing of activists few days back from quarantine ,Now the teachers unions want to provide solutions to the demands ,of  removing salary anomalies of teachers and withdrawal  the Kothalawala Act .

Due to t he strike thousands of School  children who are learning through online teaching since the closure of schools as a result of Corona pandemic  had faced enormous difficulties 

India Extended LTTE Ban for Another Five Years

 India have decided to extend the ban imposed on LTTE for   another five years the Ministry of Internal affairs in India has announced yeste...