Friday, September 18, 2009

UN Under Secretary General Wants Early Resettlement Of IDP'S

The United Nations Under Secretary General Lynn Pascoe said today that the delaying resettlement of IDP'S in the Northern Sri Lanka may undermine the prospects for Peace Reconciliation in the future.According to him keeping these IDP'S in camps further endangering the future Political Stability of the Country.

Mr.Pascoe met President Mahinda Rajapaksha today and hold discussions on the IDP Issue.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sri Lankan Attorney General Is In U.K To Take Legal Action Against Channel 4

Sri Lankan Attorney General Mohan Pieris went to Britain today to explore the possibilities of taking legal action against British T.V Channel over telecasting a video footage on alleged killing of an unarmed LTTE Cadre by the Army Personal.Earlier Sri Lankan Government Denied the Video Footage by saying it is a Fake.

According to the Minister of Human Rights and Disaster Management Mahinda Samarasinha who is in Geneva to attend the 12th United Nations Human Rights Council Session said that the Attorney General will meet the Lawyers representing Sri Lanka on this case and will search the Best Legal way of handling the case against the Channel 4.He is also scheduled to meat British Press Complaint Commission to seek Redress.

Private Bus Fares To Increase 5.3 Percent From Tuesday

Private Bus Fares are due to increase from 5.3 Percent effect from Next Tuesday(22) according to the National Transport Commission.The Transport Commission today informed this Fare Hike to the Private Bus Owners Association.

However the Minimum Bus Fare of Six Rupees will not be affected by this Increase.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Minister Mahinda Samarasinha Briefed UN Human Rights Commissioner On Sri Lankan IDP'S

Sri Lankan Minister of Human Rights and Disaster Management Mahinda Samarasinha who is in Geneva today met UN High Commissioner For Refugees Navanetham Pillai and hold discussions on the Situation of IDP'S in North and on the Channel 4 Issue.

Minister Samarasinha briefed the UN High Commissioner on the situation of IDP'S and President's paln for Re concilliation.According to the Reports Ms.Pillai welcomed the Investigations conducted by Government on the Controversial Video Footage telecast over the Britian's Channel 4.

UN Under Secretary General To Visit Sri Lanka This Weak

United Nations Under Secretary General For Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe is scheduled to be visit Sri Lanka within this weak to urge the Sri Lankan Government to allow IDPS in the Northern Camps to go their Homes.

Ten Suspects Of The IT Student Assaulting Case Were Re Remanded

The Ten out of Fourteen Suspects who are in the Police Custody over assaulting of IT Student Nipuna Ramanayaka including the Wife and Son of the former SSP Vaas Gunawardena were re remanded till 29 th of September by the Kaduwela Magistrate this morning.However Four other Suspects arrested over the Assaulting were released on the advise of the Attorney General. Most of the Suspects arrested over the Student Assaulting Case are Police Officers

Due to the involvement of his Wife and Son in to the Case Former SSP Vaas Gunawardana was transferred to the Police Headquarters as a normal Police Officer.

British Foreign Office Further Relaxed The Travel Advisory To Sri Lanka

The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office today further relaxed the Travel Advisory on Sri Lanka with reducing the level of Terrorist Threat in the country.By considering the Current Security Situation here The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office updated it's Travel Advise on Sri Lanka according to the Acting British High Commissioner in Sri Lanka Mark Gooding.

According to the Release issued by the British Office it urged the U.K Citizens to taking a decision on traveling to Sri Lanka as the Terrorism Threat in the Country is in Normal Level.The British Foreign Office also appealed to the U.K Nationals who are Resident,Working or Visiting Sri Lanka over One Month to Register with the British High Commission in Sri Lanka.

ITAK To Support SJB Presidential Candidate Sajith Premadasa

 Ilangei  Thamil Arasakachchi Party(ITAK)  has decided to support Samagijanabalawegaya(SJB) Party candidate Sajith Premadasa in the forthcom...