Friday, May 15, 2009

Sounds Of Big Explosions Heard From The No War Zone

Sounds of Big Explosions heard from the No War Zone in Northern Sri Lanka since last evening where the remaining LTTE Rebels and trapped Civilians are locating Security Sources said.

Now the Rebels are restricted to 1 Kilo Meter by 200 Meter area in the No War Zone and remaining rebel leaders including their chief Prabhakaren are using 100to 120 Member suicide Squad to prevent the escaping of the trapped civilians there.LTTE is planted the explosive Substance White Phosphorus along with Bombs around the place where the civilians are staying aiming a large Massacre on running civilians according to the Security Forces.

Rebels may have try to put the blame on such a Massacre in the hands of the Sri Lankan Ground Forces Sources further added.

Meanwhile Three Female Suicide Bombers who are belongs to the Suicide Cadre in the area were surrendered to the Army yesterday.It has been revealed that they have No Food to eat from three days.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

All Medical Officers Of Health Stop Dengue Activities Citing System Lapses

All Medical Officers Of Health(MOH) throughout Sri Lanka are stop attending the Essential Dengue Control Activities of House to House Inspection on Mosquito Breeding Places and Special Investigations on Dengue Patients from Last Tuesday due to the lapses in Mosquito Control Programme Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) of Sri Lanka Announced today.

Due to this action the activities of Dengue Mosquito Control Programme is going to collapse Medical Sources said.All Dengue Control Activities are performed under the supervision of MOH'S.However conducting Awareness Programmes for people on Dengue will continue Association said.

Explaining on the situation the Assistant Secretery of the GMOA Dr Upul Gunasekera said that the Ministry Of Health is not taking steps to educate Health Staff including MOH'S on the Regulations of the newly approved Mosquito Control Act and due to this MOH'S are facing difficulties to carried out their duties of controlling Dengue.

MOH of the Colombo Suburbs faced Severe Threats from a Politician in the area recently when he tried to inspect the Garden of the Above Politician to check whether there are Mosquito Breeding Places Dr.Gunasekera stressed.Dengue is on rise in Sri Lanka this year as around 8000 Dengue Patients and 63 Deaths were reported upto now.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinha Hold Talks With Former Norwegian Peace Enovy Eric Solheim

Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinha who is in European Tour today hold discussions with Former Norwegian Peace Envoy Eric Solheim in Norway.The details of the talks are not yet known.

Meanwhile Norwegian Police removed 50 to 60 Tamil Protestors who were illegaly demonstrated outside the Norwegian Foreign Ministry in Oslo today due to the Sri Lankan Opposition Leader's visit there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sri Lankan Buddhist Center In London Was Attacked By LTTE Supporters

Sri Lankan Buddhist Center in Kingsbury situated in North West of London was attacked by a group of unidentified persons believed to be Pro-LTTE Supporters this morning.This Center is the Ninth Buddhist Centre to be attacked by LTTE Supporters in recent weeks.

"Attackers threw stones and broken the Front Windows of the Buddhist Center and ran away "the Head of the Sri Saddhatissa Buddhist centre Venerabal Galayaye Piyadassi Thero said.Police came to the scene few minutes after the incident but not able to arrest anyone regrading the incident Thero further added.

Meanwhile Brent Police increased the Petrol in the area and launched an Investigation into the incident.

Local Worker Of The International Red Cross Killed Due To Shelling

An International Red Cross(ICRC) worker and his Mother was killed at the New Safe Zone due to Shell Attack this Afternoon.

ICRC Spokeswoman Sarasi Wijerathna said a 31 year old local worker of the Red Cross and His Mother was killed from the Shell Attack inside the Safe Zone.

High Court Issued An Open Warrent For LTTE Leader And His Intelligance Chief

Colombo High Court today Issued an Open Warrent to Arrest LTTE Leader Valupillai Prabhakaren and LTTE Intelligance Chief Pottuamman over the Assassination of Former Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadiragamer.

Mr.Kadiragamer was assassinated on August 2005.

Prabhakaren and Pottuamman are also named as International Criminals and the Prime Suspects in connection with the Assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Navy destroyed Four Suicide Sea Tiger Boats came to recapture the newly liberated area of No Fire Zone

Sri Lankan Navy destroyed Four Suicide Sea Tiger Boats of LTTE came to recapturing the newly liberated area of No Fire Zone in Northern Sri Lanka this morning after 4 Hours of fierce fighting.

Large Number of Attacking Crafts of LTTE came to assist the Suicide Boats went missing after the Navy attack.

The fighting erupted from 9 P.M last night when the Navy witnessed two Sea Tiger Boats entering to the sea from Coastal Area of the No Fire Zone.Fighting lasted till 4 A.M this morning according to the Security Sources.The Four Sea Tiger Boats were exploded and the exact number of LTTE Casualties are not known so far Sources added.

ITAK To Support SJB Presidential Candidate Sajith Premadasa

 Ilangei  Thamil Arasakachchi Party(ITAK)  has decided to support Samagijanabalawegaya(SJB) Party candidate Sajith Premadasa in the forthcom...