Sunday, September 4, 2022

Billionaire Former Tata Chairman Died From A Car crash 


ආදරයට මවාපෑමකින් තොරව  ආදරය කිරීම සැබෑ ආදරණීයයෙකුගේ ගතිලක්ෂණයකි .(උපුටා ගැනීමකි )


Litro Gas To Reduce The Gas Prices

 Local Gas supplier Litro Gas company has decided to reduce the Gas prices  by Rs.100-200  with effect from midnight  tomorrow night (05) the company had announced .

This price reduction will be made accordance to the Gas price mechanism introduced by the gocernment the Company has stated.

400 Ceypetco Petrol Sheds Shut Down

 Aroum 400  Ceypetco  petrol sheds in the island had  been shut down due to the new payment scheme introduced by the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (Ceypetco),according to Private Oil Bowser Owners Association.

Under the new payment scheme Ceypetco owned petrol sheds need to make a paymemt for fuel stocks before ordering them the Asdociation has stated.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Tarrifs Imposed On Mobiles /Broadband Services To Increase From.Monday

 The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission In Sri Lanka had decided to increase the tarriffs imposed on all Mobiles ,Fixed phones ,Broadband services (Pre paid and post paid) and paid TV services with effect from next Monday (05).following the VAT (Value added tax) increase announced by the government .

Accordingly the tarrifs imposed on Mobiles ,Fixed,Broadband services will be increased by 20 percent and paid TV services by  25 percent .


එක්කෙනෙකුට එක්කෙනෙක් නොසිටින තම දෙමවුපියන්ට පවා නොසලකන නොම්නිසුන් සිටින සමාජයක නොවෙනස්වනසුලු  ආදරයක් /සෙනෙහසක් එක් අයෙකු වෙනුවෙන් පුදනුයේ  ආත්මීය බන්දනයක් පමනකි.(උපුටා ගන්නා ලදි)