The kelaniya police special task force has today(03) detained three persons regarding a counterfeit currency notes racket in warana and Kalagedihena in Weeragula areas with 50 counterfeit currency notes and equipment used to print currency notes.
According to the information received by special task force personal they have detained three persons ,two in a place near a Buddhist Temple in warana and the mastermind behind the racket at weeragula area with 50 counterfeit currency notes of Rs.1000 and a laptop and other equipment used to print currency notes.
The suspects were handed over to the Weeragula Police for future course of action.
According to the information received by special task force personal they have detained three persons ,two in a place near a Buddhist Temple in warana and the mastermind behind the racket at weeragula area with 50 counterfeit currency notes of Rs.1000 and a laptop and other equipment used to print currency notes.
The suspects were handed over to the Weeragula Police for future course of action.