Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grade Five Scholorship Exam Conducted To Day

The Annual Grade Five Scholarship Examination was held today in  2772 centers Island Wide.A total number of 321,427 candidates were sat for the examination according to the Examinations Department.

Out of the total number of candidates sat for the examination 241,610 were from Sinhala Medium and 79,817 candidates sat for the examination in Tamil Medium.There were 506 Coordinating Centers set up this year island wide for the Scholarship Examination.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Prices Of Gas Cylinders Increased By Rs.156

The Prices of 12.5 KG Litro and Laugfs Gas Cylinders increased by Rs.156 with effect from Mid Night tonight(19th) according to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Internal Trade.Laugfs Gas Company earlier sought a price increase of Rs.570 per 12.5 KG Gas Cylinder however the Ministry has only allowed a Rs.156 price increase according to the Ministry Sources.

An American And Two Sri Lankans Detained Under Cocaine Trafficking Charges

An American and two Sri Lankans who were attempted to export 53 Grammes of Cocaine to  America were detained at Katunayake International Air Port today by the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) .After produced them before the Colombo Fort Magistrate Court the Magistrate has ordered the PNB to detained the three suspects under Cocaine Trafficking Charges till 23rd of August.

The Detainees were an American National ,his Sri Lankan Wife and another Sri Lankan who tried to get   released  first two suspects.

Import Taxes On B Anions,Potatoes And Garlic Increased

Import Taxes on Big Anions,Potatoes and Garlic are increased according to the Ministry Of Finance.The Import Tax on Big Anions increased by Rs.10 per Kilo Gramme,Potatoes by Rs.5 per Kilo Gramme and Garlic by Rs.15 per Kilo Gramme the Ministry  has announced.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

UNP Reformist Group Holds A Protest Campaign Demanding the Change Of Party Leadership

Thousands of United National Party (UNP)supporters gathered at the Viharamaha Devi Park in Town Hall,Colombo this evening for a protest demanding  current UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinha to step down from the Party Leadership and hand over the position for Deputy UNP Leader Karu Jayasuriya.

The UNP Reformist Group led by the leader MP Sajith Premadasa and MP Dayasiri Jayasekera organized this protest and "Satyagraha" which is earlier decided to held in front of the United National Party Headquarters "Sirikotha"in Pitakotte this morning.However the Protest in front of Sirikotha was challenged when the Gangodawila Magistrate Court has today ordered the Police not allow anyone to Protest.Public Gathering or Procession in front of "Sirikotha:'.

While respecting the Court Decision the UNP Reformist Leader MP Sajith Premadasa has announced that the planned protest and "Satyagraha " has been shifted to Viharamaha Devi Park.Addressing the Rally Deputy Leader of the UNP MP Sajith Premadasa has said that the current leader should end the contract he is having with the Government to retain his Party Leadership and should resign from the leadership with immediate effect."Party needs a Change he has pointed out."It doesn't matter if he holds the Opposition Leader Post,What really matters is his resignation" he stressed.

Meanwhile there are reports that a pack contains "Wasps" found in side the Park where the rally was held.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Three People Killed Due To A Van-Car Accident

Three People were killed due to a Van -Car Accident occurred in Mahawita .Yakkala this morning according to the Police.

Consumer Affairs Authority To Take Legal Action Against 910 Errant Cement Traders

The Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) has today said that they will take a legal action against 910 Cement Traders who have committed various offenses in the Cement Trade. The Offenses including the selling of Cement more then the required maximum retail price. Hiding Stocks of Cement and selling Cement under conditions according to the CAA.

The Maximum Retail Price of a 50 KG Cement Bag is Rs.750 according to the Consumer Affairs Authority.CAA has continued raids to apprehend errant Cement Traders .