Monday, December 29, 2008

One Hundred Seven Petrol Filling Stations To Transfered To The CPC

The 107 Petrol Filling Stations Belongs to the Petroleum Storage Terminal Management Limited and One Third of It's Shares owned by the Treasury will Transfered to The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation(cpc) after Receiving the Cabinet Approval Petroleum Minister A.h.m Fowzie Said.The Trade Unions attached to the Petroleum Corporation Earlier Demanded that the CPC Should Take Over the Above Petrol Filling Stations.

Board Of Directors Of The Seylan Bank Suspended And Bank Of Ceylon Took Over Their Management

Monetary Board Today(29) Suspends The Board Of Directors of The Seyaln Bank One of the Leading Private Banks In Sri lanka with Immediate Effect and Allowed Bank Of Ceylon To Took Over It's Management.Mr.C.Narangoda Appointed as The New Chairman Of Seylan Bank and the Current CEO and the Bank Employees Remained Unchanged According to the Central Bank Of Sri Lanka. This Action will not Effect to the Customers Services According to the Bank Sources.The Owner Of the Seylan and Chairman of the Ceylinco Group Lalith Kotalawala Last Saturday Announced that the Debt Ceylinco Investments Owned to their Golden Credit Card holders following the Financial Freud happened there will be paid by divesting Ceylinco's shares of the Seylan Bank. Afterwards The Banking Unions Demanding the Government to Take Over The Seylan Bank. The Business of the Seylan Bank will Begin Tomorrow(30) as Usual.

Government Doctors Stop Prescribing the Thyroxine Tablets Distributed To The Govt.Hospitals-Patients Are Facing Difficulties

Patients who are Suffering from the Thyroxine Deficiency Are Facing Difficulties due to the Government Hospital Doctors are Not Recommending them the Thyroxine Tablets available in the Government Hospitals saying that they are Not Effective.The Thyroxine Tablets available in the Government Hospitals are Not in Good Quality and due to this Doctors Prescribed their Patients to buy A Brand of Thyroxine Tablets available in Private Pharmacies which is very expensive Hospital Sources said Today(29).A batch of The Thyroxine Tablets in Govt.Hospital Pharmacies were Removed due to the Quality Failure few months ago.But the Stock of Thyroxine Tablets supplied afterwards are also In the Same Brand which is not Effective Dr.Upul Gunasekara The Assistant Secretary Of the Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA)Says.We Shown this position to the Health Ministry but they said that only the 50 Micro Gramme Thyroxine Tablets are having this Problem But Widely used 100 Macro gramme Tablets are fine Dr.Gunasekera stressed.However Doctors Denied Both Forms of These Tablets which are Manufactured Here He Said.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

JVP To Hold A Protest In Colombo Tomorrow Demanding The Bringing Down Of Petrol Price

Opposition Peoples Lioberation Front(JVP)is to Conduct a Protest Campaign Tomorrow in Colombo against the Government Decision on Not Reducing the Petrol Price Immediately As Ordered by the Supreme Court.JVP Parlimentarian Vijita Herath Said at a Press Briefing Held in Colombo Today(28) that Govt.Should Implement the Supreme Court Order By Reducing the Petrol Litre to Rs.100.Responding to the Main Opposition United National Party's(UNP) Decision of Holding a Joint Protest Campaign To Protest against Govt's Decision On Petrol Price ON January He said that UNP has no right to Represent on behalf of thePeople as they too are Responsible for this crisis.

National Democratic Front Today Joined The Govt.. After Signing MOU

National Democratic Front(NDF) The Breakaway Faction of the People's Liberation Front (JVP) Today(28) Signed a Memorandum Of Understanding(MOU)with the Governing United People's Freedom Alliance(UPFA) and Joined the Government.The Secretary Of the NDF Parliamentarian Nandana Gunathilaka and Secretary of the UPFA Education Minister Susil PremJayantha Signed the MOU behalf of their Parties.Defeating The LTTE militarily is believed to be the Main Issue of the MOU.President Mahinda Rajapaksha,NDF Leader Wimal Weerawansa and Several Govt.and Other Parliamentarians Attended this Occasion.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Suicide Bomb Attack OutSide Colombo Killed Five Civil Defense Personnel

Eight People including Civil defense force Personnel and a Captain were Killed and Another Nineteen Injured Due to The Suicide Bomb Attack at the Civil defense Post inside the St.Ann Church Premisses Hekitta Road,Wattala This Morning(28).Injured were Rushed in to the Colombo National Hospital and Few of them Reported as in Critical Condition.Police and the Army Officials are Conducting an Investigations on the Incident .

Financial Crisis- Ceylinco To Repay The Debt Of Their Credit Card Holders By Divesting Bank Shares

Ceylinco Group One of the Leading Business Enterprises in Sri Lanka Today(27) Announced that It will Divest Their Shares in the Leading Private Bank Seylan which owned by them
to Repay All Debts to Ceylinco's Golden Credit Card Holders.Due to the Financial Freud Occurred in the Ceylinco Investments Company Problem rise in Paying the Int rest to the Credit Card Holders who Invested Large Amount of Money there.However Chairman of the Ceylinco Group of Companies Mr.Lalith Kotalawala In a Public Statement Issued Today Confirmed that the Ceylinco Group will Divest their Shares in the Seylan Bank to Raise funds for Repaying all The Debt they owned to the Credit Card Holders and ask Public Not to Fear on it.Ceylinco Group Not Disclosed the Exact Amount of Debt they have to Pay for their Credit Card Holders.After Learned about the Financial Freud in Ceylinco Investments, Large Number Of people Who Invested Their Money there Gathered to The Ceylinco Premises in Colombo Last few days Fearing that they Will Loose their Money.