Thursday, August 3, 2023

Government Increased Water Tarrifs By 30-50 Percent

 Government had yesterday(04) issued an Extraordinary  Gazette Notification  regarding the Water tariff revision approved by the Cabinet with effect from 01st of August.

Government had earlier announced the water tarrif revision which increased by 30 to 50 percent based on the number of Units consumers used.According to the Cabinet paper produced before the Cabinet by the Minister of Water Supply and Infrastructure development Jeevan Thondaman this new price revision will not be affected to Samurdhi beneficiaries and estate sector houses but affected all the government hospitals,schools,charities ,religious places and public water taps as well.

Under the new water tarrif revision tne Rs.20 per unit charge for first five units had been increased to Rs.60 per unit it has been announced.The Sewege tax is also increased under this revision.

Litro Gas To Revise Prices Today (04)

 The Litro Gas Company which reduced the Gas prices on few occassions recently is being attempted to increase the Gas prices under it's monthly price revision scheduled for today(04) according to the Company sources.

The Price of a Metric tonne of Gas in the World Market had been increased from US Dollars 78 to 85  and therefore need to add that also when the new price revision is  prepared the Chairman of the Litro Gas Company had stated.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Aung Sang Sue Kyi Jail Term Reduced After Pardons 



හදවතින් බැදුනු  බැදීමක් කිසි දින වෙනස් නොවේ,(,උපුටා ගැනීමකි)

Eighteen Passangers Were Injured Due To An Accident In Watawala,

Around 18 Passangers  were injured and admitted to the Watawala Divisional Hospital and Nawalapitiya District Hospital   (Nuwara-Eliya  district) as the Bus they were travelling in veering off the road and toppled over to a precipice on Colombo -Hatton main road in wee hours of this morning (01).

Around 100 passangers were travelling in the Sri Lanka Transport Board(SLTB) Bus travelling from Colombo to Nuwera-Eliya  at the time of the incident it has been reported.The critically injured passangers were transferred to the Nawalapitiya District Hospital from Watawala Hospital for further treatment .The incident occurred when the Bus driver had attempted make a Away for a Bus arrived from the opposite direction .

Vavuniya Prison Had Temporarily Closed Down

 Vavuniya Prison had been temporarily closed down for two weeks, with effect from yesterday (31) due to an Infectious disease spreading among the prison inmates according  to the Prison Authorities .

Due to the infectious disease that spreads  among Prison inmates ,meetings between prison inmates and  relatives as well as interactions among iinmates and transporting them to courts had been restricted  since 27 th of July the authorities had stated.

Monday, July 31, 2023

LIOC Had Revised It's Fuel Prices

 Lanka Indian Oil Company (LIOC) had revised the fuel prices similarly  to that of CEYPETCO with effect from 31st of July (Yesterday ) according to the LIOC.

Ceylon Petroleum Corporation  had revised it's fuel prices with effect from yesterday .