Monday, April 25, 2022

Litro Gas Failed To Resume Distribution Of Gas Today (25) As Announced

 Although Litro Gas Company the main Gas Provider in the country had announced that they will resume the distribution of Litro Gas from Today (25) after halting the distribution of Gas five days ago due to the shortage  .No Gas distribution had taken place at the two Gas terminals of the company in Muthurajawela and Kerawalapitiya today it has been reported .

Litro Gas had earlier announced that although they will stop distributing Domestic LP gas for five days until today essential services will receive Gas cylinders as usual .However it has been reported that Gas is out of stock in the company at present ,

A large number of consumers had been  seen today in queues in front of the Gas selling  outlets despite this situation .


ආදරයක ඇති අවංක බව වඩාත්  කැපී පෙනෙනුයේ  ජීවිතයට  පැමිණෙන සියලු බාධක ජයගැනීමට එක්ව කටයුතු කරන තැනදීය .සතුට ,දුක එකසේ බෙදා ගන්නා විටදීය .(උපුටා ගැනීමකි ).


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Shanghai: Green fences baffle locked down residents 




සැබෑ ආදරයක් යනු තමන් ආදරය කරන කෙනාට අවශ්‍යම මොහොතේ ළඟ හිඳීම පමණක් නොව අසාධාරණයක් වන විට ඒ වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීමයි ,හඬ නැගීමයි ,තමන්ට කෙතරම් අවමානයකට මුහුණ පෑමට සිදු වුණද අවංකව ආදරය කරන අයෙකු අනෙකා වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටිම මගනොහරියි  ,(උපුටා ගැනීමකි ). 


Soap And Washing Powder Products Goes Up By More Than 100 percent

 Soap and Soap products Importers had increased the Prices of Soap and Soap based Products and Washing Powder by more than 100 percent with immediate effect it has been announced .

Accordingly the price of  a  popular Cake of 15 gramme  "Sunlight " Soap had been increa

sed to Rs.135 from Rs..70 and A cake of Baby soap had been increased to Rs.175 from Rs..75 and a Cake of Lifebouy "Soap had been increased to Rs.145 from Rs.75 it has been reported ,

The prices of Washing  powder products .Liquid soap had been also increased by more than 100 percent as well along with  Tooth Brushes .,Toothpaste and Shampoos ,

Milk Powder Prices To Be Increased Within This Week.

 Although Imported Milk Powder haven't seen in local market at present ,Milk Powder Importers had decided to increase the Imported Milk Powder prices Rs.800-1000 within this  week according to the Milk Powder Importers Association .

As the controlled price mechanism  is not there for Imported Milk Powder ,Milk Powder Companies can increase the Milk Powder prices as they wish the Association has stated , 

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.