Monday, October 4, 2021

Pandora Paper Leaks Reveales Offshore Investments Of Politicians And Billionaires

People 's Reaction To Pandora Leaks


Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram suffer outage 


 කෙනෙකුට  දිවිය පුරා  බොහෝ දෙනෙකු හමුවුවද ඇසුරු කළද සැබවින්ම ජීවිතයේ  කොටසක් බවට පත් කරගනුයේ   හදවතට බෙහෙවින්ම සමීප වූ අය පමණි  එවැනි බැදීම් රැකගත යුතු ඒවා මිස බිඳ දැමිය යුතු ඒවා නොවන්නේය .  , (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )

A 60 Percent Shortage Of Radiographers In Government Hospitals

 There's a 60 percent shortage of Radiographers in Government Hospitals at present as a result of the Corona Pandemic  according to the Government Radiological Technologists Association .Due to this situation the Association had today (04) made a written request from Director General Of Health Services (DGHS) to increase the retirement age of  government radiographers to 63 in view of recruiting more senior Radiographers as a solution for the shortage ,

The increasing of retirement age of Radiographers in Government Hospitals to 63 has been approved by Cabinet sub committee already ,However Cabinet hasn't approved the proposal according to the Radiological Technologists Association ,

Many Radiographers in Government Hospitals are either sick or  on leave  causing a shortage in Hospitals according  to the Dharamkeerthi Epa the secretary to the Association 

8000 Health Workers Infected With Corona Virus -14 Died

 Up to now around 8000 Health workers had been infected with Corona virus and 14 had died according to the president of Government Nursing Officers Association Saman Rathnapariya ,

Among the Health workers who had died due to Corona infection were Doctors ,Nurses and Minor Staff  workers he has stated ,

Meanwhile as Government hospitals had suspended performing daily "PCR " Tests to Hospital staff ,There's  a risk of spreading the Corona infection among them according to Health sources ,

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.