Friday, October 9, 2020

Familes At 13 Houses In Dikoya Are Being Self Isolated After A Minuwangoda Brandix Apperal Worker Found Hiding At Her House In Dikoya

 A Female employee who is working at the Brandix Apperal Factory in Minuwangoda and not reported to Health authorities had been found by the authorities  yesterday  (09) whilst hiding at her house in puliyawatte ,DiKoya ,Hatton .

The female employee along with her parents ,husband and 10 year old daughter had been sent to Rantambe. Army quarantine center for  quarantine  it has been reported .

Due to this female employee and her husband 69 family members attached to 13 houses in the area are being directed to self isolation by the Public Health Inspectors in the area .

The suspected Female employee and her husband are being resided at a  Rented house in Minuwangoda it has been revealed. 

Two School Children Tested Negative For Corona Virus After Their Father Had Been Tested Positive For The Virus

 The school girl studying at Saint Bridget Convent in Colombo and her brother studying at SaInt Joseph School in Colombo whose father had been tested positive for Corona virus recently, had been tested negative for Corona virus during "PCR "tests performed on them .

The two school children were underwent the "PCR "tests affer identifying their father as Corona positive. 

Meanwhile the pregnant female at Castle Street Hospital in Borella who had been tested positive for Corona virus earlier has been identified as working at a Apperal factory related to Brandix Apperal group according to authorities. 

A 09 Momth Old Infant Ar Rudgway Childrens Hospital Had Been Tested Positive For Corona Virus Yesterday (09)

 A 09 month old infant has been tested positive for Corona vIrus yesterday (09))whilst receiving  treatment  at Lady Ridgeway Hospital in Colombo according to Hospital sources. 

The infant is living near the Minuwangoda Brandix Apperal factory where the Corona Virus cluster has been created and transferred to  Lady Ridgeway Children's Hospital on 07th of October the authorities have srated. 

Afret identifying the infant as a Corona positive through a "PCR "test performed on him he had been transferred to National Infectious Diseases Hospital at Angoda for further treatment .

Meanwhile a father of a 05 month old infant receiving treatment at Children's Hospital had been tested posotive for Corona virus amd the positive had visited all corners of the Hospital daily during last few days it had been revealed .

Twelve Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In 06 Colombo Divisions Tomorrow(10)(

 A major 12 hour water cut amidst Corona pandamic is scheduled to be implemented at 06 Colombo Divisions from 10 p.m tomorrow (10) until 10 a.m on Sunday morning  due to an urgent repair work according to   the   National Water Supplies And Drainage Board. 

Accordingly    The water Cut 

will be implemented in  Colombo 01,11,12,13,14 and 15 divisions Water Board has stated. 



Corona Cases Increases Rapidly In England


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Minuwangoda Police Station Had Been Shut Down After Canteen Owner Of Police Station Tested Positive For Corona Virus

 Minuwangoda Police  Station   (Gampaha District )had been temporarily closed down yesterday  (08)after the owner of Police Canteen had been tested positive for Corona virus. 

All  250  Police officers attached to the Police station and their close contacts were quarantinEd and "PCR "Tests are being carried out for 85 Police officers at the Police station last evening it had been revealed .

The Canteen owner of the Minuwangoda Police  station contacted the Corona virus from his son who had been tested positive for Corona virus whilst working in Brandix Apperal factory in Minuwangoda. 

Gampaha Police are coveting the duties of Minuwangoda Police station at present. 

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.