Friday, October 9, 2020

Twelve Hour Water Cut To Be Implemented In 06 Colombo Divisions Tomorrow(10)(

 A major 12 hour water cut amidst Corona pandamic is scheduled to be implemented at 06 Colombo Divisions from 10 p.m tomorrow (10) until 10 a.m on Sunday morning  due to an urgent repair work according to   the   National Water Supplies And Drainage Board. 

Accordingly    The water Cut 

will be implemented in  Colombo 01,11,12,13,14 and 15 divisions Water Board has stated. 



Corona Cases Increases Rapidly In England


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Minuwangoda Police Station Had Been Shut Down After Canteen Owner Of Police Station Tested Positive For Corona Virus

 Minuwangoda Police  Station   (Gampaha District )had been temporarily closed down yesterday  (08)after the owner of Police Canteen had been tested positive for Corona virus. 

All  250  Police officers attached to the Police station and their close contacts were quarantinEd and "PCR "Tests are being carried out for 85 Police officers at the Police station last evening it had been revealed .

The Canteen owner of the Minuwangoda Police  station contacted the Corona virus from his son who had been tested positive for Corona virus whilst working in Brandix Apperal factory in Minuwangoda. 

Gampaha Police are coveting the duties of Minuwangoda Police station at present. 

Four Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Yesterday (08)

 A total of 04 Corona positives had  been discharged from hospitals yesterday  (08) after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives  discharged from hospitals so far after full recovery had risen to 3278 the unit has stated .

At the moment 1197 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

Brandix Corona Cluster Increased To 1053-29 Cases Identified Today (08)

 The Brandix Corona cluster has been
further increased to 1053 today (08) after another 29 Corona  positives    had been identified within the Cluster according to Health officials. 

This evening a worker attached to Brandix Apperal factory in Minuwangoda and  18 close contacts of the Brandix cluster had been tested positive for the virus the officials had stated. Accordingly the total number of Corona positives reported in the country had now risen to 4488 and 1197 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals at present .

Meanwhile 400 out of the 525 workers attached to Brandix factory in Mimiwamgoda who went missing after identifying first corona positive in the factory, had appeared before the authorities and they were sent to quarantine after performing "PCR "Tests .

A Male Officer At Brandix Apperal Had Been Tested Positive For Corona Virus Along With Four Of His Contacts

 A male officer attached to Brandix
Apparel Factory in Minuwangoda residing in Horana ,Kalutara had been teated posotive for Corona virus along with four of his close contacts including his 02 year old son according to   Health officials in Horana. .

Accordingly The two year old son of the Corona positive officer ,his mother, wife and a friend of wife who is a nurse attached to Horana Base Hospital had been teated posotive for Corona virus .

Due to this situation a small Corona cluster has been  created in  Horana area according to officials .

Today(25) Is Chiristmas Day

  Christmas  is an annual festival commemorating  the birth  of  Jesus Christ , observed primarily on December 25 [ a ]  as a  religious  an...