Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Africa Declared Free Of Wild Polio In Milestone


Another 12 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (25)

Another 12 Corona positives had been reported in the country today  (25)  increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to
2971 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 12 arrivals from India had been tested positive for Corona virus today .

At the moment 143 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals.

The total number of "PCR "tests performed in the country so far to identify Corona positives is 211,090 according to the Health Promotions Bureau. 

Five Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (25)

A total of 05 Corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals today (25)after full recovery according to the Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals after full recovery had risen to 2816 .

Health Trade Unions Demanding To Advertise The Post Of Director General Of Health Services-No Need For Acting Post

Health Trade Unions are demanding
the  Government to Advertise the Post of  Director General Of Health Services  (DG)and appointed a suitable person for the post without appointing  someone to cover the duties of the Post  (Acting ).

Health trade unions are demanding this As Deputy  Director General of Health Services (Planning ) Dr.S.Sridharan has been appointed as the Acting Director General of Health Services following the appointment of former  DG Dr.Anil Jasinghe  as the new Secretary to the Ministry of Enviornment.

However according to the Government Medical Laboratory Technologists Union Acting DG post is not relevent to the Health Sector at the moment and the vacant DG post should have advertised and then need to select the most suitable candidate for the post according to the due procedure .

Until a suitable candidate is being selected, the medical administrator who is the most senior in the Health Department should have been  appointed to cover up the duties of DG Post the union has stated.

However Dr.Sridharan who has been appointed as acting  DG   was selected by avoiding senior administrators in the Health Department health unions have pointed out .

Sabama Awyaja Wu Mithrathwa Bandeemakata Seema Thahanchi Natha /Kal IkuthWeemak Ho Wenweemakda Nomatha ,Aththe Kumana Badhaka Paminiyada ,Nosalee Diviya Pura Ekwa Gaman Kireemak Pamani

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.