Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Cat Who Had Been Captured With Heroin Escaped From Prison And Re Captured, But Not Those Responsible For Sending Narcotics Through Him

The Cat who had been captured by the
prison Authorities near Welikada Prison last Saturday  (01)with  1.7 Grammes of Heroin tied to his contraband around his neck had escaped whilst in a prison  room and re captured near the prison yesterday  (04) according to Welikada Prison.

The Cat was captured earlier accordance to the information provided by intelligence officers the prison Authorities had stated .However most sections in  the society had seen this incident as a joke as still the authorities are not able to nab the person who had sent the haul of Heroin through the Cat and the prison inmate due to receive the Narcotic from the Cat.

Without taking in custody those who are responsible for using the Cat to transport narcotics investigation on the Cat alone is   being proved as useless most believed.


Voting Of The Parliamentary Election Began This Morning

 The voting of  the Parliamentary Election to elect 196 members for the 225 member Parliament(29 are elected through the National list) has begun at 7 a.m this morning(05) in 12,985 poling stations located at 160 Electoral divisions of 22 districts  and continues  till 5 p.m this evening according to the National Election Commission.

Today 's election is being held according to  Corona prevention  health guidelines and 7542 contestants from 20 recognised political parties and 34 Indepedent Groups are contesting the election. A total of 162,63,885 voters are being eligible to vote on this election. 

 The highest number of voters who are eligible to vote in this election are being located at Gampaha District and the lowest number of voters are in Vanni District. Two Former President's, A former Prime Minister as well as two sons of former Prime Minister and two sons of former Presidents are among those contesting in this election.  

One hour from 4 -5 pm this evening will be allocated for those Corona positives who are discharged from Hospitals after full recovery and under self quarantine to vote in this election. 

The counting of this election will begin tomorrow (06) morning and results are expected to issue before midnight tomorrow the Election Commission has announced. 

Seven Coroma Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Yesterday (04)

Seven Corona Positives had been
discharged from hospitals yesterday  (04) after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly so far 2524 Corona positives had been discharged from hospitals after full recovery . 

Six Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (04)

A total of 06 Corona positives had been
reported yesterday  (04),increasing the total number of Corona positives reported in the country to 2834 according to the Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 06 arrivals from Saudi Arabia had tested positive for corona virus yesterday  (04).

At the moment 299 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals.