Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sri Lanka's First Underwater Museum Had Been Inaugurated

Sri Lanka's first under water museum  created by Sri lanka Navy had been inaugurated by Sri lanka's Navy Commander Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva  under the water at Galle sea area  on 05 th of April it has been announced today (17).

The Under water museum is being located 50 feet deep in Galle sea area  and it has been created  by using enviornment friendly ingredients according to Sri Lanka Navy.

The main aim of creating this museum is to develop a new coral reaf system in tbe area and  breeding fish according to sources .Authorities are  hoping  that this museum will attract both local and foreign tourists .

Sri Lanka is planning to create a similar under water museums in Tricomalee and Tangalle.

Coronavirus: London bus drivers 'spat at 60 times' during lockdown

Bus Unions Had Agreed To Transport School.Children By Following The Corona Health Guidelines

Bus unions had agreed to transport
School children after the re -opening of schools by following the    corona prevention health guidelines issued by the Health authorities , during a meeting held at Education Ministry in Battaramulla  today(17).

At the meeting which was chaired by Education Minister Dallas Alahapperuma discussions were held regarding the trnsportation of the school children through public transport system on seat basis ,by keeping social distance among students ,making compuslsory the wearing of masks inside Buses and vans ,disinfecting buses and school vans .

Meanwhile disinfecting schools is currently underway it has been reported .


26 Corona Positives Had Been Discharged Today (17)

A total of 26 corona positives had been
discharged from hospitals today (17)after full recovery ,increasing the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far to 1397 according to Epidemeology Unit .

At the moment 515 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals .

A Social Distancing Roller Coaster Ride