Sunday, January 19, 2020


Eurropean Union To Provide GSP + To Sri Lanka Until 2023

European Union had agreed to provide
GSP + Facilty to Sri Lanka until 2023 according to the Ministry of Industries Export ,Investment Promotions, Tourism and Civil Aviation .

European Union had agreed on this during a meeting held with Minister Prasanna Ranathunge at the Ministry it has been stated .

However the European Union had said that the observation process on Sri Lankan activities is  continueing.


Four Died -Thirteen Inured Due To A Bus -Tipper Truck Collision

Four persons including a child had
been killed and 13 others including a Tipper Truck driver had been injured and hospitalized due to a head on  Collision between A Bus and a Tipper Truck at Hungama -Bataatha area in Colombo -Kataragama main road few hours ago (19).

The injured had been admitted to Tangalle Base Hospital for treatment according to Police .The deceased and the inJured had been identified as the residents of Gurupokuna area ,Hungama .

Hungama Police are conducting an investigations over the incident. 

An Immortal Yesteryear Song Written By The Lyricist A Part Based On A Real Experience(Mage Pramada Doshe)

Water Fares To Be Increased Soon-State Minister Wasudeva Nanayakkara

The water charges with the usage of
more than 15 units  will be increased in near future according to the state Minister Of Water Supplies resources Wasudeva Nanayakkara .

 Addressing a Media briefing held in Colombo today (19)The State Minister has stressed that there will be no Water fare increase for low income group families .

However State Minister has forgot to mention regarding the unethical long  hour water cuts implemented by the Water Board so often in major cities. 

A Buddhist Monk Had Passed Away After Misfiring A Gunshot Of A Police Officer

A 21 year old Buddhist Monk had 
passed away unfortunatley today (19)due to a misfiring  of a firearm belonging to a  Police officer who was on mobile patrol at Hungama area .

The incident occurred during  the two  Police officers on mobile patrol at Hana gala Deniya road  in Hungama had  followed a Motorcyclist who is a Heroin Smuggler to arrest .The Motorcyclist was followed by the police officers and finally captured him .However a brawl occurred between the officers and the suspect when a misfire of a Firearm belonging to one officer hit at the Buddhist Monk who was on his  way to an alms giving of a house travelling in a Van it has been revealed .

 The critically injured Buddhist Monk u natuwe Seelaratne Thero Had passed away after being admitted to Agunakolapalassa Hospital .

Later Police officers have arrested the Heroin Smuggler according to Police.