Uragasmanhandiya Police have arrested a 60 year old mother who brought 570 mili grammes
of Heroin for the use of her heroin addicted son who is in police prison near the Prison cell of Uragasmnahandiya Police (Galle District )yesterday (20).
The son of the arrested mother had been arrested by the Police at Uragasmanhandiya fair on last Tuesday (19) with 30 mili grammes of Heroin in possession .After being informed by the suspect his mother brought the haul of Heroin to the Prison cell and the Police officers have arrested the Mother whilst attempting to give the haul to her son .
The suspected Mother had been identified as Heroin smuggler by the Police.
of Heroin for the use of her heroin addicted son who is in police prison near the Prison cell of Uragasmnahandiya Police (Galle District )yesterday (20).
The son of the arrested mother had been arrested by the Police at Uragasmanhandiya fair on last Tuesday (19) with 30 mili grammes of Heroin in possession .After being informed by the suspect his mother brought the haul of Heroin to the Prison cell and the Police officers have arrested the Mother whilst attempting to give the haul to her son .
The suspected Mother had been identified as Heroin smuggler by the Police.