Thursday, February 21, 2019

Police Have Arrested A Mother Who Brought 570 Mili Grammes Of Heroin For Her Remanded Son

Uragasmanhandiya Police have arrested a 60 year old mother who brought 570  mili grammes
of Heroin for the use of her heroin addicted son who is in police prison near the Prison cell of Uragasmnahandiya Police (Galle District )yesterday (20).

The son of the arrested mother had been arrested by the Police at Uragasmanhandiya fair on last Tuesday (19) with 30 mili grammes of Heroin in possession .After being informed by the suspect his mother brought the  haul of Heroin to the Prison cell and the Police officers have arrested the Mother whilst attempting to give the haul to her son .

The suspected Mother had been identified as Heroin smuggler by the Police.

A Female Had Been Sentenced A Three Year Rigorous Impriosnment

Badulla High Court has today (21) sentenced a 48 year old female a three year rigorous
imprisonment  and fined Rs.15,000 over keeping 639 Mili Grammes of Heroin in possession in purpose of selling .

The female who is a resident of Niyadigala area had been sentenced a three year rigorous imprisonment after she found guilty over the charges against  her.Welimada Police have arrested her and filed the case against her.


Why Antibiotics Fail In The Fight Against bacteria


Around 25 Percent Of All Local Stroke Patients Are Dying Prematurely -Dr.Padma Gunaratna

Around 25 percent of all Stroke patients
annually reported from Sri Lanka are dying within first three months after diagnosis as a result of not getting proper treatment and rehabilitation facility according to Consultant neurologist Dr.Padma Gunaratna.

Addressing a Media Seminar on Stroke held today (21)at Health Promotions Bureau at Kynsey Road ,Colombo ,Dr.Gunaratna has stressed that around 55 percent of local Stroke patients have suffered from disability as a result."If they receive proper treatment and care many number of stroke deaths can be prevented .There's a need to establish stroke units at every major government  Hospital  to provide good treatment and care for the patients " she has revealed.

The president of Sri Lanka Stroke Society Dr.M.Rifsy has stated the Stroke prevalence of Sri Lanka is 10 patients per 1000 population and around 200,000 stroke patients are currently living with the disease .01 out of every 06 persons has a risk of getting stroke he has stressed .

Stroke caused by restricting blood supply to brain and Tobacco  Smoking ,High Blood pressure, High Cholesterol ,Diabetes ,Lack of exercises are being identified as main causes which leads to Stroke according to Senior Consultant Neurologist Dr.Gamini Pathirana .

A Faculty Of Jayawardanapura University Had Been Closed Down Indefinitly

The Faculty of Management attached to
Sri Jayawardanapura University ,Colombo had been closed down indefinitely by the University management today (21) over a ragging issue .

According to the Management of the  University senior students of the Management faculty  had ragged the first year students of the faculty several times recently  and although warned senior students not to do so, they have today not allowed first year students of the faculty to attend lectures.

By considering the developments University management has decided to closed down the Management faculty Indefinitly it has been announced.