Estate Owners have agreed to Increase the Daily wages of Estate Workers from Rs.500 to Rs.855 out of it Rs.155 to be allocated for the workers EPF and other allowances ,during the talks held between Minister of Labor and Trade Union relations Ravindra Samaraweera,Labor Commissioner ,Estate Owners Association and Three Estate Workers Unions at Ministry of Labor and Trade Union relations in Colombo yesterday (25).
Accordingly Estate Owners Association has agreed to increase the Daily wage of Estate Workers from Rs.500 to Rs.700 and to add another Rs.155 for Workers EPF contribution and other allowances it has been revealed.
In addition Estate Owners have agreed to increase the payment providing to Workers for the plucking of 1 Kilo Grammes of Tea Leaves from Rs.25 to Rs.40.
The agreement regarding increasing Daily wage of Estate Workers to be signed between Ministry and Estate Owners on this Monday(28).