Thihagoda Police have yesterday
(10)arrested a 25 year old youth who had seated the Mathematics -1 paper of the G.C.E Ordinary Level examination held last morning (10) behalf of his friend at Puhulwella Central Collage in Matara.
The suspect has been identified as not the Examination candidate ,But his friend by the Examinations Department .He had produced the National Identity card of his friend the original candidate ,when sitting for the exam it has been revealed.
The original candidate had produced his driving licence and faced the examination paper held last Sunday according to sources .
(10)arrested a 25 year old youth who had seated the Mathematics -1 paper of the G.C.E Ordinary Level examination held last morning (10) behalf of his friend at Puhulwella Central Collage in Matara.
The suspect has been identified as not the Examination candidate ,But his friend by the Examinations Department .He had produced the National Identity card of his friend the original candidate ,when sitting for the exam it has been revealed.
The original candidate had produced his driving licence and faced the examination paper held last Sunday according to sources .