Monday, September 24, 2018


A Part Of A Pavement At A Road Nearby Parliament Had Sunk With Trees And Lamp Posts

A part of a pavement at Denzil Kobbakaduwa road near by the Parliament Complex had sunk this morning (24)it has been reported.

Due to this situation the lamp posts and Trees at the pavement too had sunk several feets. As a result the lane from Palam Thuna junction to Parliament had been temporarily closed for traffic and Thalangama Police had requested the motorists to use an alternative routes when travelling.

The Electricity system of the area had been damaged due to the sinking of the pavement and authorities had began renovating the system it has been revealed.

The cause of the sinking has not yet been revealed . 

Many Houses In Severall Districts Had Been Damaged Due To A Tornado

Many houses at several Districts had
been damaged due to a Tornado blown across those Districts last evening  (23) as a result of the adverse weather prevailing in the island .

More than 60 houses had been damaged due to the Tornado and in  Anuradhapura District alone around 51 houses had been damaged due to it has been revealed .

Six Local Tourists Had Been Critically Injured Due To A Wasp Attack At Entry Road Of Dunhinda Falls

Six local tourists had been critically
injured and hospitalized due to a Wasp attack at Entry road of Dunhinda Water falls this evening (24).

The injured had been admitted to Meegahakiwula and Badulla Hospitals for treatment .

Altogether nearly 30 local tourists who had arrived in to Worship Muthiyanganaya and Mahiyangnaya religious places from Colombo ,Kegalle and Mathugama areas had faced the Wasp attack while on the way to view Dunhinda Falls  it has been revealed. 

Director General Of Health Services Has Instructed Nuwara Eliya Hospital Director To Suspend The Use Of An Eye Injection Temporarily After 17 Patients Developed Complications

Director General Of Health Services
Dr.Anil Jasinghe has instructed the Director of Nuwara Eliya Base Hospital Dr.Aruna Jayasekare to temporarily suspend the use of an Eye injection vial after 17 out of 55 Eye patients who had received the injection at an Eye clinic held in Hospital have developed complications and hospitalization.

The Patients developed complications after receiving the injection are now receiving treatment at Nuwara Eliya Hospital and their condition is improving according to the Hospital Authorities.

However although other Government Hospitals are  using the relevant Injection in their Eye clinics  no complaints have been received on developing complications among the patients Director General Of Health Services Has stated  .

Meanwhile the Eye injection which caused the problem at Nuwara Eliya Hospital had been sent to National Drug Quality Assurance Laboratory for testing it's condition by the Health Authorities.

Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne who is currently in New York ,USA to attend a Conference of United Nations has instructed the Director General Of Health Services Dr. Jasinghe to conduct an investigations over the incident. 

Senior DIG Priyantha Weerasuriya Has Been Appointed As Acting IGP

The senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police (DIG)  in charge of North Central Province  Priyantha Weerasuriya has been appointed as the ac...