The reduction of 25 Essential Drugs
including expensive Cancer Drugs is being delayed due to the opposition of National Chamber Of Drug Importers according to Minister Of Health Dr.Rajitha Senaratne.
Although the National Chamber Of Drug Importers had opposed the move will reduce the prices of 25 selected Drugs as planned soon the Minister has stressed during a meeting held at Horana on Saturday (11).
Minster has also stated that the Drug Importers are going to take a legal action against the price reduction ,However he is not afraid of that .
Health Minister had earlier announced that the prices of 25 Essential Drugs will be reduced in July .
By reducing the prices of Expensive Cancer Drugs government can save Rs.7.7 billion when importing them the Minister has stated.
including expensive Cancer Drugs is being delayed due to the opposition of National Chamber Of Drug Importers according to Minister Of Health Dr.Rajitha Senaratne.
Although the National Chamber Of Drug Importers had opposed the move will reduce the prices of 25 selected Drugs as planned soon the Minister has stressed during a meeting held at Horana on Saturday (11).
Minster has also stated that the Drug Importers are going to take a legal action against the price reduction ,However he is not afraid of that .
Health Minister had earlier announced that the prices of 25 Essential Drugs will be reduced in July .
By reducing the prices of Expensive Cancer Drugs government can save Rs.7.7 billion when importing them the Minister has stated.