Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A Huge Fire Erupted In Sapugoda Reserve Destroyed A Large Land Area

More than 100 acres of land belonging
to the Sapugoda Mountain Reserve at Anapallama area in Wellawaya Provincial Secretariet had been destroyed due to a huge fire erupted in the Reserve last noon (08)it has been reported.

Due to the dry weather condition prevailing in the area the fire spreads rapidly throughout the reserve and  it completely destroyed the grass field and old tree species in the Reserve .

A large species of endangered  and old Trees and Animals lives in the Reserve it has been revealed.

Galagodaatte Thero To Appeal Against The 19 Year Rigorous Imprisonment Sentenced Him

The leader of the Bodu B
ala Sena Organization Venerable Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thero Who had been sentenced 19 year rigorous imprisonment by the Court of Appeal over the contempt of Court has decided to appeal against the sentence it has been revealed.

Accordingly the Court of Appeal had informed the Imprisoned thero who is now receiving treatment for a Kidney stone at Kotte Sri Jayawarda napura Teaching Hospital to produce verbal explanation regarding the Appeal on 29 th of August.

The Thero Had been admitted to the Jayawaradanapura Hospital over a Kidney stone on Monday and currently receiving treatment under the security of Prisons Department officials and Police.

The Attorney General had indicted the Galagodaatte Thero over four charges and he found guilty over the all charges the Court of Appeal Judges Preethi Surasena and Shiran Gunaratna had stated while delivering the verdict.



Parliament Proceedings Restricted To Three Hours Due To The Lack Of Speakers

Due to the lack of speakers in
Parliament today (08) The proceedings of the House had been restricted to three hours .

The debates of the Parliament due to be conducted from 2 p.m to 6.30 p.m ,However due to the lack of speakers available it caused the Parliament to end the debates by 3.10 p.m the reports have stated. 

Price Of A Bottle Of Local Liquor Had Been Increased

Local Liquor Companies had increased
the price of a Locally made bottle of Liquor by Rs.40 with effect from midnight last night (07).

The price of Local liquor  had been increased due to the nation building tax imposed over the local liquor by the government .

Transport Ministry To Run Trains Paralyzed Due To The Strike Through Retired Drivers

Ministry Of Transport has requested
the retired Engine Drivers to report to work at the Sri Lanka Railways Department  by 6 a.m tomorrow (09)in view of running Trains halted due to the  ongoing strike of Several Railway Trade Unions.

The Ministry has decided to run the Passanger Trains  paralyzed due to the strike with the help of these Retired Engine Drivers.

Ministry has also cancelled all leave of Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) employees  until the strike of Railway Workers get resolved.