The Director General Of Health Services Dr.Anil Jasinghe had begun an inquiry on an incident published in media recently regarding the assault and verbal abuse of a female who had come to the Galaha Rural Hospital on 16th of July to take medicine for her four year old sick child, by a female doctor and a female Attendant attached to the hospital according to the Health Ministry .
The inquiry is conducting as per the instructions of Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne who had given instructions to Dr.Jasinghe to conduct an inquiry over the incident and submit him a report within two weeks time.
Minister has also instructed the Director General Of Health Services to take a disciplinary action against the Doctor and Attendant if they have found as committed any wrong doing during the inquiry the Ministry has stated.
The Mother who was assaulted by the Attendant had been admitted to the Kandy Teaching Hospital for treatment.
The inquiry is conducting as per the instructions of Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne who had given instructions to Dr.Jasinghe to conduct an inquiry over the incident and submit him a report within two weeks time.
Minister has also instructed the Director General Of Health Services to take a disciplinary action against the Doctor and Attendant if they have found as committed any wrong doing during the inquiry the Ministry has stated.
The Mother who was assaulted by the Attendant had been admitted to the Kandy Teaching Hospital for treatment.