Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has summoned State Minister of Child Affairs Vijayakala Maheswaran to Colombo with immediate effect to inquire on her LTTE favored speech made in Jaffna on 02nd of July during an event held in Jaffna.
The controversial State Minister who is a MP in Jaffna representing United National Party (UNP) Was asked to be in Colombo today as the Prime Minister want to meet her today to inquire on her speech it has been reported.
Several factions of the Society as well as Parliamentarians have been requested the government to take an action against her due to her controversial speech which was violating the Sri Lanka constitution.
Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has already seeks the opinion of Attorney General regarding the controversial speech of the State Minister.
The controversial State Minister who is a MP in Jaffna representing United National Party (UNP) Was asked to be in Colombo today as the Prime Minister want to meet her today to inquire on her speech it has been reported.
Several factions of the Society as well as Parliamentarians have been requested the government to take an action against her due to her controversial speech which was violating the Sri Lanka constitution.
Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has already seeks the opinion of Attorney General regarding the controversial speech of the State Minister.