Monday, June 25, 2018


Former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakshe Had Given A Statement To The FCID Regarding An Allegation Leveled Aginst Him

The former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakshe had given a nearly  three hour statement to the Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division (FCID) today over the allegations leveled against him on misusing of state funds to construct the D.A Rajapakshe Memorial Museum at Weeraketiya ,Tangalle in memory of his father during the previous regime.

Image result for gotabaya rajapaksa 
The Former Defense Secretary has arrived at the FCID Headquarters in Colombo Fort around 9 a.m this morning and left the premises around 11.45 a.m after given the statement it has been revealed.

He had agreed to the Court Of Appeal on 14th of June to appear before the FCID To give a statement regarding the allegations leveled against him and to appear before the Colombo Magistrate Court whenever a notice issued against him.

The Court Of Appeal has recently issued an interim order preventing him of getting arrested and facing legal action under the Public properties Act over the charges.

Health Minister Proposed The Government To Cultivate Cannabis In 100 Acre Land For Medicinal Purposes

Image result for health ministryMinister Of Health ,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has proposed to the Government to cultivate Cannabis("Kansa") in 100 acre Land under the supervision of Tri forces for the use of manufacturing Ayurveda Medicine locally .

Minister Dr.Senaratne has already submitted a Cabinet Paper to the Cabinet to get approval for the cultivation of Cannabis in Sri Lanka for medicinal purpose only according to the Minister himself.

Addressing a Media Briefing held at the Waters Edge Hotel in Battaramulla this morning (25) regarding the activities of Sri Lanka Ayrveda Corporation ,Health Minister has stated that most recently Canada and Britain lifted the Ban imposed on Cannabis Cultivation in those countries."Cannabis is an essential ingredient to cure Neuro Illnesses and it only matters if someone use it to inhale as a narcotic.Britain banned the cultivating Cannabis here.Now the British have lifted the Ban in their country" Minister has said.

Through Cannabis Cultivation a Country can earn Billions of US Dollars as an income Minister has further said.

You really can eat yourself younger! Simple diet tweaks can fight heart disease, dementia and joint pain

Sunday, June 24, 2018



Another Four Persons Were Arrested Over The Killing Of A Leopard

Kilinochchi Police have arrested another four persons over the killing of a rare species of a Leopard at Ambalkulam village in Kilinochchi area,last night(24) at the village.

The suspects who are of the ages 22,23.24 and 26 years old are due to be produced before the Kilinochchi Magistrate court today(25) it has been reported.

Two others arrested over the incident have been remanded until 29 th of June by the Magistrate yesterday(24).

Kilinochchi Police are investigating further over the incident.

Rice Company Owner Dudley Sirisena to Supply Rice For The Controlled Price

 The owner of the Araliya Rice Company Dudley Sirisena has yesterday(28) stated that his Company  along with other Rice companies  will supp...