Private Bus Unions have decided to
called off the scheduled Island Wide strike as the talks held between Private Bus Union leaders and Transport Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva and Deputy Tranport Minister Ashok Abeysinghe had ended successfully the Unions have stated.
During the talks the Transport Minister has agreed to increase the Bus fares by 12.5 percent with the increasing of minimum bus fare by Rs.2 from Rs.10 to Rs.12.A Cabinet Paper regarding this increase is due to be submitted to the Cabinet on next Tiesday it has been announced.
called off the scheduled Island Wide strike as the talks held between Private Bus Union leaders and Transport Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva and Deputy Tranport Minister Ashok Abeysinghe had ended successfully the Unions have stated.
During the talks the Transport Minister has agreed to increase the Bus fares by 12.5 percent with the increasing of minimum bus fare by Rs.2 from Rs.10 to Rs.12.A Cabinet Paper regarding this increase is due to be submitted to the Cabinet on next Tiesday it has been announced.