Paliyagoda Police have arrested two persons with a stock of around 7800 narcotic tablets known as "Ya Ba" or crazy medicine in their possession at Kiribathgoda area today(22).
"Ya Ba' which is a combination of "Methamphetamine " a powerful and addictive stimulant and Caffaine means crazy medicine in Thailand and the stock was illegally brought to Sri Lanka according to the Police.
The stock of "Ya Ba " taken in to custody in possession of the suspects is worth more than Rs.20.5 million and it was the first time that the drug was found in Sri Lanka it has been revealed.
The suspects who are residents of Dam Street in Pettah area have sold Rs.3000 per "Ya Ba "tablet according to reports.
"Ya Ba" is produced in Southeast and Eastern part of Asia and the drug is popular in Asian Communities in the United States and increasingly available at raves and techno parties.
"Ya Ba' which is a combination of "Methamphetamine " a powerful and addictive stimulant and Caffaine means crazy medicine in Thailand and the stock was illegally brought to Sri Lanka according to the Police.
The stock of "Ya Ba " taken in to custody in possession of the suspects is worth more than Rs.20.5 million and it was the first time that the drug was found in Sri Lanka it has been revealed.
The suspects who are residents of Dam Street in Pettah area have sold Rs.3000 per "Ya Ba "tablet according to reports.
"Ya Ba" is produced in Southeast and Eastern part of Asia and the drug is popular in Asian Communities in the United States and increasingly available at raves and techno parties.