The Railway Department has requested from the Retired Train Drivers,Station Masters and Train Guards to report to work in view of maintain the Train Services which collapsed due to the strike action of Train workers .
The Department is due to consider the Striking workers who will not reported to work within today as vacated from their posts as the Train Service has been declared as an Essential Service.
The Railway Department is due to be issued the Letters of Vacating from the posts to the Train Workers who do not reported to work by today.
The Train Drivers,Station Masters and Train Guards are on continuous strike demanding solutions for their service demands since 06th of December.
The Department is due to consider the Striking workers who will not reported to work within today as vacated from their posts as the Train Service has been declared as an Essential Service.
The Railway Department is due to be issued the Letters of Vacating from the posts to the Train Workers who do not reported to work by today.
The Train Drivers,Station Masters and Train Guards are on continuous strike demanding solutions for their service demands since 06th of December.