Monday, November 27, 2017

Two Year 10 Students Had Been Injured And Hospitalized Due To A Knife Attack

Related imageTwo Students studying  year 10 class of a School on Kosgoda area had been injured and hospitalized due to a Knife Attack of another student of the School it has been reported.

The Injured were admitted to the Balapitiya Base Hospital for treatment.

The incident occurred when one of the injured students had an argument with another student of the class and as a result the latter student attacked the other student with a knife towards his stomach area.When attempting to prevent the knife attack another student was also injured it has been revealed.

Kosgoda Police had arrested the Student who was responsible for the knife attack.

A Female Sex Worker And A Manageress Attached To A Brothel House In Mount Lavinia Had Been Arrested

Image result for arrestedA Female sex worker and a Manageress attached to a Brothel House maintained on pretext of a Massage  Center(SPA) in Aththidiya,Mount Lavinia had been arrested by the Police Officers of Law Enforcement Unit in Mount Lavinia Division yesterday(26).

The 21 and 32 year old arrested  females who are residing in Padukke and Wadduwa areas respectively had been handed over to the Mount Lavinia Police it has been announced.

They are due to be produced before the Mount Lavinia Magistrate Court today(27).

Put Down That Cake Batter: Uncooked Flour May Have E. Coli

Image result for e coli
(CNN)Think twice before licking that spoon as you prepare cake batter or cookie dough for holiday treats. Salmonella from raw eggs is no longer the only concern in baking.
A study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine details an outbreak of E. coli in 2016 linked to flour and found that the problem may be more common than previously thought."Our data show that although it is a low-moisture food, raw flour can be a vehicle for foodborne pathogens," the study said.
Other foods are more commonly associated with E. coli outbreaks, including undercooked or uncooked meat, produce such as lettuce, and unpasteurized milk and cider.

Symptoms of E. coli can begin one to 10 days after exposure to the bacteria. They can include stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and fever, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most people get better in five to seven days.However, some develop a severe complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome, in which the kidneys stop working. This can be life-threatening, and patients who recover may experience permanent kidney damage.
The new study detailed an outbreak that caused 63 cases of illness across 24 states. Seventeen people were hospitalized.
The CDC and the US Food and Drug Administration identified the outbreak and began an investigation in June 2016. General Mills flour was first identified as the potential cause, and the company announced a nationwide recall of three of its brands: Gold Medal, Gold Medal Wondra and Signature Kitchens.
In July 2016, after tests confirmed that the flour was to blame, the recall was expanded to include flour produced between November 14, 2015, and February 10, 2016. In addition, at least five other companies that used recalled flour in their products announced recalls, including Betty Crocker cake mix, Marie Cullender's biscuit mix and Krusteaz pancake mix.
"Linking this outbreak to flour was challenging. Consumption of raw or under cooked flour is not included on most routine state and national food borne disease questionnaires, so epidemiologists were not initially able to assess whether case patients had consumed raw flour," the report says, adding that many of the ill patients also reported consuming chocolate chips, which were ruled out as the cause. It was later determined that those patients were baking with flour and chocolate chips.

The authors warned that the outbreak was worsened by human behavior: "The consumption of raw or under cooked homemade dough or batter, which has long been discouraged because of the known risk of salmonellae from consuming raw eggs, as well as allowing children to play with raw dough in restaurants and using flour to make play-dough for children at home."Unfortunately, the advice here is to wash that spoon and bowl without giving in to the temptation to take a taste.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

How Grace Mugabe Seized Land Of Farmers To Build A Mansion While They Slept Under Trees


A Stock Of War Equipment Recovered From A Land In Jaffna

A stock of decayed war equipment including firearms
believed to be belonged to LTTE had been recovered from a land in Pombaveli area in Jaffna today (26) by the Police.

Around 10 T-56 firearms and 06 Motar ammunitions were among the stock of war equipment recovered.

The stock of equipment due to be defused as per an order  of Jaffna Magistrate Court.

Airport Customs Had Arrested An Indian Female With Two Pieces Of Gold

Airport Customs officers had arrested an Indian
female who attempted to smuggle two pieces of Gold weighing around 114.28 grammes illegally to Chennai India last night (25)at Katunayake,Bandaranaike International Airport.

The female had attempted to smuggle the two pieces of Gold which concealed inside her bag it has been revealed.

Airport customs had taken steps to confiscated the two pieces of Gold taken into custody in possession of the female and released her on a fine of Rs.10,000.

The estimated value of the Gold pieces is more than Rs.600,000 it has been reported.