Police officers had prevented a person who was in
Police custody from committing suicide when he attempted to hanging himself inside the prison cell of Divulapitiya Police this morning (22).After preventing the suicide attempt the suspect had been admitted to the Gampaha Hospital for treatment.
The suspect was arrested by the Police as per an arrest warrent.
Due to the incident a Police constable attached to Divulapitiya Police has been interdicted and a Sargent was transferred to another Police station it has been reported.
Police custody from committing suicide when he attempted to hanging himself inside the prison cell of Divulapitiya Police this morning (22).After preventing the suicide attempt the suspect had been admitted to the Gampaha Hospital for treatment.
The suspect was arrested by the Police as per an arrest warrent.
Due to the incident a Police constable attached to Divulapitiya Police has been interdicted and a Sargent was transferred to another Police station it has been reported.