Friday, November 3, 2017

A Large Number Of Household Electric Appliances Got Damaged Due To A Lightning In Hatton

A large number of Electric appliances in several
houses at Bandaranayakapura in Hatton area had damaged yesterday (03)due to the lightning it has been reported.

Accordingly Electric Appliances including Refregirators and Television sets got damaged due to the lightning which strucked in the area last evening.However no one in the houses injured due to the incident it has been revealed.

A Small Lorry Had Caught Fire At Southern Expressway Yesterday (03)

A small lorry had caught fire while travelling to
Kottawa through the Southern Expressway near the Kahathuduwa entry point of the Expressway.

The persons in the Lorry had escaped unharmed it has been reported.

Three Persons Were Killed Due To A Deadly Road Accident

Three persons were killed and two were critically
injured and hospitalized due to a Lorry they were travelling in veering off the road and collided with a lamp post at 18th mile post in Minuwangoda in wee hours of this morning (04).

The five critically injured persons were admitted to the Negambo Hospital for treatment and three of them later had succumbed to their injuries .

Foreign- Big Losses For ISIS In Syria And Iraq


A Large Queues Seen In Front Oil Refilling Stations In Colombo And Outstations Due To A Petrol Shortage

A large queues had been seen  in front of fuel Refilling
stations in and around Colombo as well as in several outstation areas   today (03) due to a petrol  shortage occurred in stations as a result of a delay of arriving an Oil Ship  sheduled to be arrived in Colombo it has been reported.

Due to the petrol shortage drivers had faced severe difficulties and some Oil refilling stations had been closed early due to the depletion of petrol stock according to sources .

This situation occurred due to a poor decision taken by indian Oil Company according to the Petroleum Trade Unions.

A Garbage Tractor Driver Was Killed After A Concrete Slab Had Fallen On Him

A 59 year old Garbage Tractor  Driver attached to the
Maharagama Urban Council was killed after a part of a concrete slab had fallen on him as a result of the Garbage truck he was in hit against a Concrete post  it has been reported.

The Garbage Tractor was driven by the assistant of the driver who did not possess a driving license  at the time of the incident according to reports.