Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Health-Beware The Potential Signs Of Pancreatic Cancer


චානුවා - Chanuwa ගේ ඡායාරූපය

A 17 Year Old Motorcyclist Was Killed Due To Motorcycle-Tractor Collision

Image result for accident
A 17 year old Motorcycle rider  was killed and the female pillion rider had  injured and hospitalized after their Motorcycle colliding with a Tractor near the Malykili Amman School in Serunuwara .

The critically injured Motorcycle rider and the pillion rider were admitted to the Trincomalee Hospital for treatment and the Motorcycle rider had succumbed to his injuries on admission to the hospital.

The deceased was a resident of Mawadichena area .Serunuwara Police have arrested the Tractor driver regarding the accident.

Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake Has Been Appointed As The UNP Gampaha Organizer

Image result for ranjan ramanayakeActor turned Politician and Deputy Minister of Social Empowerment Ranjan Ramanayake who had been removed from Divulapitiya United National Party(UNP)  organizer post has been today(01) appointed as the new United National Party Organizer of Gampaha District .

After he lost the Divulapitiya UNP Organizer Post ,the Working Committe of the UNP has decided to appoint  him as the UNP Organizer of Gampaha Distrait .

Deputy Minister Ramanayake is being currently faced a legal case filed at Supreme Court over contempt of court charges 

Colombo High Court Had Sentenced A Former LTTE Member A Life Time Prisonment Over Killing Of A Intelligence Unit Chief Of Dehiwala Police

Related imageColombo High Court has today(01) sentenced a LTTE Member who found guilty over  killing the former Intelligence Unit chief of the Dehiwala Police Sunil Thabrew on 23rd of July 2003 at his official residence ,a life time imprisonment .

Accordingly the Colombo High Court Judge Piyadasa Ranasinghe  had sentenced the resident of Mullivaikkal area Selvathurai Kirubakaran alias "Madan"  a life time imprisonment plus another five year jail term and imposed a Rs.25,000 fine.

A special police team had arrested the accused at the Kalubowil Teaching Hospital while receiving treatment.

Attorney General had later filed a court case against the accused under the Terrorism Prevention act over the killing of Sunil Thabrew inside his official residence,