North Central provincial high court has today
(21)sentenced a 28 year old person four death sentences over the killing of four persons in the same family in July 2010.
Accordingly the accused who is a resident of Mihindupura in Eppawela area had been sentenced to death over the killing of father,mother,daughter and son of the same family related to him .
The death sentences had been imposed on the accused after he was found guilty over all the charges levelled against him by the Attorney General.
(21)sentenced a 28 year old person four death sentences over the killing of four persons in the same family in July 2010.
Accordingly the accused who is a resident of Mihindupura in Eppawela area had been sentenced to death over the killing of father,mother,daughter and son of the same family related to him .
The death sentences had been imposed on the accused after he was found guilty over all the charges levelled against him by the Attorney General.