The two accused former President's Secretary Lalith Weerathunge and Anusha Palpita who have been sentenced a 3 year rigorous imprisonment yesterday (08) by the Colombo High Court over distributing white cloths(Sol Redhi) among Buddhist devotees during the presidential elections held under previous regime ,were transferred to Welikada Prison Hospital this morning(08)under the advise of a doctor in charge there it has been reported.
A lady doctor in Welikada prison had awaited till bringing the two accused to the Welikada Prison yesterday to name them as severe Diabetic patients and transfer them to the Prison Hospital it has been revealed.
The same doctor had earlier sent former UPFA MP Sarana Gunawaardana to the Prison Hospital from the Welikada Prison.
Around Rs.600 million belonging to the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission had been utilized to purchase white cloths to distribute among Buddhist devotees by the two accused sources said.
A lady doctor in Welikada prison had awaited till bringing the two accused to the Welikada Prison yesterday to name them as severe Diabetic patients and transfer them to the Prison Hospital it has been revealed.
The same doctor had earlier sent former UPFA MP Sarana Gunawaardana to the Prison Hospital from the Welikada Prison.
Around Rs.600 million belonging to the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission had been utilized to purchase white cloths to distribute among Buddhist devotees by the two accused sources said.