Sunday, September 3, 2017

A Person Was Killed And Twelve Injured Due To A Van-Bus Collision

A person was killed and twelve others have been
injured and hospitalized due to a van they were travelling in collided with a bus at pannampitiya area on Dambulle-Matale main road .

The deceased and injured who were residents of Trincomalee area have faced the incident while return home after attending a funeral it has been revealed.

A Two Year Old Girl Had Drowned And Died While Bathing In A Quarry

A two years and eight months old girl child was
 drowned and died  while bathing in a quarry at ranmalkandiya area in polonnaruwa.

The deceased had faced this incident after visiting her grand mother's house in vijithapura with her sister it has been revealed.

The girl child had transfered to Polonnaruwa hospital after admitted to madirigiriya hospital and then to Anuradhapura general hospital where she had succumbed to her injuries last evening (02).


Saturday, September 2, 2017

What An Hour Of Rain Does To Indian Streets


A Pedestrian Was Killed After Colliding With A Motor Car

A pedestrian  was killed after colliding with a motor
car at ariyampathi area on Batticaloa-Kalmunai main road this noon (02).

The critically injured person had succumbed to his injuries after being admitted to the ariyampathi hospital.

The deceased had been identified as a 55 year old resident of Ariyampathi area.