Thursday, August 3, 2017

Two Persons Stolen Money From A Bank With A Toy Pistol

Two persons who had entered a private bank in

 Piliyandala with a toy plastic pistol and a black stone  had stolen Rs.400,000 and run away according to the

After the Security officer had attacked the pistol in possession of the suspect it fallen to the ground and crumbled in to pieces it has been revealed.However the robbers had managed to escape from the scene.

A No Confidence Motion Against Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake Was Handed Over

A No confidence motion signed by 32 Joint opposition
MP's against Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake had handed over to the speaker's house yesterday (03).

The No conifdence motion was signed over the charges leveled against Minister Karunanayake on his involvement with the main suspect of Central Bank bond scam Arjun Aloysias the Joint opposition has stated.

Foreign-Hair Thieves Striking Fear In India


Image result for anger will cost the friendshipImage may contain: textImage result for anger will cost the friendship

Supreme Court Has Extended The Court Ban Over Disposing Colombo Garbage To Muthurjawela

Image result for court orderSupreme Court has today(02) extended the Court  Order Imposed on banning disposal of Garbage Collected in Colombo to the Muthurajawela Reserve area until 21st of September.

Around 37 residents living in around Muthurajawela area had filed a petition in Supreme Court  against disposing Colombo garbage to the Muthurajawela area by stating as the Muthurajawela area has been declared as a reserve,an environmental and health problems may have occurred due to disposing of garbage there.

Around 350 Patients Received OPD Treatment From The Neville Fernando Hospital Yesterday(02)

Related imageAround 350 patients have been received OPD Treatment free of charge  from  the Neville Fernando Teaching Hospital during yesterday(02) up to 7 p.m according to the sources.During  opening day of the OPD/ Clinic treatment of the Hospital which is running under a Governing Board, on last Tuesday (01) ,around 186 patients have received treatment and drugs free of charge from the Hospital it has been revealed.

Health Ministry is due to fill the Hospital staff shortage soon according to the Ministry. Neville Fernando Hospital has been taken over by the government recently.