Kangarayankulam Police have recovered 13 rounds of old Motar Ammunition belonging to the LTTE buried in a paddy field at Kangarayankulam area in Vavuniya yesterday (03) evening.
Police have recovered the stock of Ammunition as per an information received through the residents of the area.
The personal attached to the Bomb Defused Unit of the Police Special Task Force are due to visit the area under the special instructions received from Vavuniya Magistrate Court to inspect whether there are more explosives buried in the area.
Police have recovered the stock of Ammunition as per an information received through the residents of the area.
The personal attached to the Bomb Defused Unit of the Police Special Task Force are due to visit the area under the special instructions received from Vavuniya Magistrate Court to inspect whether there are more explosives buried in the area.