Thursday, June 29, 2017

GMOA To Launch An Island Wide Strike Next Week Demanding To Nationalise The SAITM"

Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA)has
today (29)decided to launch an island wide continuous strike in next week demanding the nationalizing of SAITM.

The Central Committee of the GMOA has given powers to the Executive Committee of the union to decide the  dates of the strike.

GMOA will not agree any solution other than nationalizing the SAITM the union has stated.

Colombo Chief Magistrate has Ordered The Police To Remove The Hut Built In Colombo Fort Railway Station

Colombo  chief magistrate has today (29)ordered the
Police  to remove the hut built by the members of Medical Students Parents Association on the pavement in Colombo Fort  Railway station to conduct a satyagraha campaign.against the assaulting of students who invaded the Health Ministry and demanding nationalizing of the SAITM.

Chief magistrate Lanka Jayaratne has ordered the Police to remove the hut as it blocked the pavement of
road it has been reported.

Police have earlier requested from the Chief Magistrate to issue a court order to remove the hut as it might cause a problem to the pedestrians .

A 13 Year Old Buddhist Monk Committed Suicide By Hanging Himself

A 13 year old Buddhist monk in a temple at
Aththudawa,Matara had  committed suicide by hanging himself inside the temple it has been reported today (29).

While cleaning the temple ground in the morning he had hanged himself according to the Thihagoda Police.

Some youth have shown the deceased monk the pictures of the three children including a young Buddhist monk and their father who committed suicide by hanging themselves two days ago in Hungama area ,appeared in facebook through a mobile phone yesterday (28) Police have stated.


Foreign-California Says Key Ingredient In Roundup Weed Killer Can Cause Cancer


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Airport Customs Have Arrested Two Chinese Females With A Stock Of Cigarettes,Gems And Jewelry

Image result for katunayake airportAirport Customs Officers have today(29) arrested two Chinese females with a stock of foreign cigarettes ,Gems and Jewelry in their possession worth around Rs.3.5 million  at the Katunayake ,Bandaranaike International Airport today(29) .

The two suspected  females are of the ages 28 and 35 years the Customs have stated.