Another seven Police Officers attached to the Nanu-Oya Police have been transferred to the Nuwara Eliya Police Station over the death of a six year old school girl who was killed after colliding with a Tipper Truck when she was crossing the road last morning(15) at Nanu-Oya.
These transfers were made to facilitate the inquiry held regarding the death of the school girl according to the authorities.
After the angry residents of Nanu Oya including tea estate workers protested against the death of the school girl last morning by blocking the main road the OIC of the Nanu-Oya Police have been temporarily transferred to another police station as per the request of the protestors .
These transfers were made to facilitate the inquiry held regarding the death of the school girl according to the authorities.
After the angry residents of Nanu Oya including tea estate workers protested against the death of the school girl last morning by blocking the main road the OIC of the Nanu-Oya Police have been temporarily transferred to another police station as per the request of the protestors .