Monday, May 29, 2017

Around 17% Addicted To Cigarette Smoking In Sri Lanka-Smoking Among st Hospital Minor Staff Is On The Increase

Image result for no tobaccoAround 17% of the Sri Lankan Population  nearly 1.5 million are addicted to Cigarette Smoking at present according to the President Of the National Alcohol and Tobacco Authority Dr.Palitha Abeykoon..

Addressing a Media Seminar held today(29) at the  Health Education Bureau in Colombo regarding the "World No Tobacco Day" falls on 31st of May ,Dr.Abeykoon has stated that each local Cigarette Smoker smokes five Cigarettes per day according to the statistics.

Cigarette Smoking among Health workers especially among minor staff is on the increase  and Health authorities should take steps to prevent this trend he has stressed.

Present government has taken various steps to deter Cigarette Smoking including increasing of Tobacco Taxes,Introduced  Cigarette Packs which  80% covers with pictorial health warnings related to tobacco smoking ,declaring no Tobacco Zones and due to introduce new laws on banning selling Cigarette and tobacco related products within 500 yards of a School Dr.Abeykoon said.

Although the authorities focused only on Cigarette Smoking "Beedi "is more dangerous than Cigarettes as it contains higher amount of Nicotine he has further stated.

Meanwhile Experts who have expressed their views on Tobacco Advertising has stated that young people are getting more attracted to Cigarettes,Tobacco related products as well as Narcotics and Alcohol due to  advertising .People should avoid posing photographs with  persons who addicted to Tobacco related products Narcotics and Alcohol and publish them publicly as it has proved that someone will follow that  and gets addicted to them.

Every Parliamentarian Had Informed On Donating Their One Month Salary For The Benefit Of Displaced School Children

Related imageEvery Parliamentarian had informed on donating their one month Salary to purchase the school materials for those School Children  who displaced and affected due to adverse weather according to the Minister Of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam. 

Education Ministry has already decided to donate every student who displaced or affected due to adverse weather three school uniform kits,A pair of shoes ,Exercise Books and other reference books Minister has stated during a press briefing held at his Ministry today.


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Ministry Of Education Has Decided To Close Down All Schools In Eight Adverse Weather Affected Districts

Related imageMinistry Of Education has decided to close down Schools in Eight Districts affected with adverse weather  until this Friday(02) due to the bad weather condition prevailing in those Districts .

Accordingly the Schools in Galle,Matara,Ratnpura,Hambanthota,Colombo,Gampaha and Kegalle Districts will be closed until Friday the Minister Of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam has stated during a press briefing held in Ministry Of Education today(29).

Earlier the Education Ministry has given the powers to the Principles in all schools in the adverse weather affected Districts to decide the closure and opening of schools based on the weather condition. 

Welikada Prison Inmates To Donate Their Lunch Tomorrow(30)To The People Affected From Floods And Landslides

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Around 3000 inmates in Welikada Prison have informed the Prison Authorities today(29) that they will skip their lunch tomorrow(30) to donate the meals to the people affected due to adverse weather.

In addition to the lunch plates of 3000 inmates in Welikada Prison the Minister of Prison Reforms and Resettlement D.M Swaminathan has decided to add another 3000 meals to it and send them to the affected people in flood an landslide hit areas tomorrow through Air Force Helicopters.

A Rescued Pregnant Female Has Delivered Her Baby While Airlifting To Ratnapura-Baby Later Died

Image result for sri lankan airforce helicopterA pregnant female who was rescued from  adverse weather hit Kalawana (Ratnapura District) area  had delivered her 26 week old baby inside the Air Force Helicopter while she was airlifting  to Ratnapura Hospital today(29).

The Mother and the Baby had been admitted to the Ratnapura Hospital and the Baby has died shortly after the admission it has been revealed.The Baby died due to the premature status it has been revealed.

Around 180 Persons Have Died ,109 Injured And Another 110 Missing Due To Adverse Weather

Around  180 persons have died 109 persons injured and another 110 persons went missing due to the adverse weather affected 15 districts according  to Disaster Management Center.

The highest number of deaths  have been reported from Ratanapura District and that number is 77 and 20 others went missing due to landslides and floods the Center has stated.From Kalutara District 54 deaths and  from Matara District 21  deaths have been reported up to now.

More than 588,000 persons have been affected and displaced due to the adverse weather it has been revealed.

Around 484 houses completely damaged due to the adverse weather.

According to the authorities floods in Kiriella,Elapatha and Dodamgoda in Ratnapura District,several areas in Matara District including Matara Town,Thihagoda and Malimbada areas,Baddegama,Niyagama,Velivitiya ,Divithura areas in Galle District several araes of Kalutara District including Madurawala,Millaniya and Dodamgoda still remain.

The flood waters affected in some areas of Hambanthota have now receded and transport activities returned to normal it has been reported.