Thursday, May 4, 2017

Police Department Have Reinstated 149 Police Officers In Their Services

The Police Department has reinstated 149 Police
 Officers who are expelled from the service earlier due to getting married during their probation period, under the recommendations of the Police Commission.

According to the rules of Police Depatment Those who join the Police Department  as Police Cadet Officers not allow to get married for 3 years.

Under the recommendations of the Police Commission 03 Assistsnt Superintendents Of Police(ASP), 13 female constables,132 male constables and a Police constable driver have reinstated in the service the Police Department has announced.


Former Police DIG Anura Senanayake Further Remanded Until 18th Of May Over Thajudeen's Murder

The former Deputy Inspector General Of Police Anura
Senanayake who is in remand over the murder of former Sri Lankan Rugby player Wasim Thajudeen has been further remanded until 18th of May by the Colombo Additional Magistrate yesterday (04).

The former Deputy Inspector General Of Police was produced before the Colombo Additional Magistrate yesterday.

Deputy Solicitor General Dilan Rathnayake who appeared before the Attorney General had yesterday informed the Court that the Investigations regarding the murder of former Rugby Player Thajudeen are being carriyng out in different angels

Three Females Shocked And Hospitalized In Hatton

Three females were shocked and hospitalized this
evening(04) due to a lightning strucked on them  in an estate in Hatton (Upcountry)area.

The three females were admitted to the Dikoya Basic Hospital for treatment.

Heavy showers assisted with lightning fallen to the upcountey this evening it has been reported.

A Group Of Residents In Meethotamulle Garbage Dump Area Filed A Complaint At Human rights Comission

A group of residents lives near the Meethotamulle
Garbage Dump had today (04)  complaint to the Human Rights commission that the government still not provided the relief required by the persons who displaced due to the Meethotamulle Garbage dump collapse on 14th of April.

Stil the removal of debris  from the disaster struck area in Meethotamuulle Garbage dump continues.

Foreign-Sixteen US Children Hospitalized With Gunshot Wounds Daily-A Study Says