Saturday, April 15, 2017

Death Toll Of The Meethotamulle Garbage Dumping Site Collapse Risen To 16

The death toll of the Meethotamulle Garbage Dump had risen to 16 according to the reports.
Among the injured who were admitted to the Colombo National Hospital two are in critical condition sources said

The tri force personal and officials of the Disaster Managment Center are cutrently involved in a rescue operation in search of the missing.

Government has decided to compensate the families affected due to Garbage Dump collapsed yesterday (14).


Friday, April 14, 2017

Ten Including Four Children Confirmed As Dead Due To The Meethotamulle Garbage Dump Collapse

Around 10 persons including 04
 children have confirmed as dead and another 10 were hospitalized due to injuries as a result of the collapsing of a section of the Sri Lanka"s highest garbage dump in Meethotamulle yesterday (14).

The deceased children are of the ages ,11,12,14 and 15 according to the reports.

The injured were admitted to the Colombo National Hospital .

A section of the 91 meter high Garbage Dump had collapsed on the houses near by yesterday (14).

According to the authorities around 180 displaced persons  are located in a nearby temple it has been revealed .

Around 400 tri forces personnal are involved in a rescue operation in search of the missing since yesterday evening .

Meanwhile an information center to collect the details of the missing had been established in Meethotamulle Rahula Collage it has been reported .

A Special Quote

"Sathyaya obawa sadakalikawa pinawanu athath , boruwa ha wanchawa.anyange sith ridaweema obawa sadahatama ridawanu atha".

A 12 Year Old Boy Confirmed As Dead And 12 Injured Due To Collapsing Of Meethotamulle Garbage Dump

A 12 year old child has been confirmed
as  dead and 12 other injured persons  had been admitted to the Colombo National Hospital for treatment following the collapse of a section of the Meethotamulle Garbage Dump this evening (14) according to the latest reports.

Angry residents in the area had set fire a backo mechine stationed on the garbage dump and Airforce have used a bell-212 helicopter to douse the fire it has been revealed .

Rescue efforts are continuing in search of the survivors according to the Police .

Pix courtasy of my friend 

Foreign-A Story On Hitler