Thursday, April 6, 2017

Mount Lavinia Police Have Arrested Three Young Females And A Manager During A Raid In A Brothel House

Image result for police sri lanka
Mount Lavinia Police have yesterday(05) raided a brothel house functioned as a Massage(SPA) center in Rathmalana Area(Colombo) and arrested three young females engaged in prostitution there and the Manager of the house .

The arrested females are in the ages of 21,26 and 31 years old it has been revealed.Police carried out this raid as per a warrant issued by the Mount Lavinia Magistrate Court.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Court Ordered To Confiscated 17,150 Kilo Grammes Of Nadu Rice Hidden Without Selling To Consumers

The Maligakanda Additional Magistrate has yesterday
(05)  ordered the authorities to confiscated 17,150 kilo grammes of "Nadu "rice variety hidden by a bussiness establishment without selling them to the consumers.

The Additional Magistrate has also imposed a Rs.12,000 fine on the suspected establishment.

Consumer Affairs Authority had recently taken into custody the stock of Nadu rice during a raid carried out by the Authority.

Ten Persons Were Arrested Over Illegally Excavating A Forest Area In Search Of A Treassure

The officials attached to the security division of the
Archeology Department had arrested 10 persons who were illegally imvolved in excavation work in a forest area at Kosgolla,Batticaloa in search of a treassure.

Officials had been taken into custody the equipment and religious offerings used for the excavation work along with the suspects.

The suspects who were residents of venkaladi,kopaveli ,minipe and bandarawela areas were handed over to the Karadiyanaru police for future investigations.

Newly Refurbished Runway Of The Katunayake Airport To Be Innauguated Today (06)

The newly refurbished runway of the Katunayake
Bandaranaike International Airport due to be innaugurated today (06).

According to the Civil Aviation Authority under the renovation work which commenced on  06th of January this year the width of the runway has been increased from  45 to 60 meters.

All the flights in Katunayake Airport were limited since the commencement of  renovation work of the runway and flights were shifted to Mattala International Airport due to this.

All these   flights limited  since 06th of January in the  Katunayake Airport will be back to normal from midnight tonight (06)according to the Authority.

Government Hospital Nurses ,PSM's And Para Medics Suspended Their Scheduled Strike

The island wide one day token strike scheduled to be
Launched tomorrow(06) by the government hospital nurses,professions supplementary to medicine (PSM's)and para medical officers has been suspended after the authorities had promised to provide solutions for their service demands according to the Joint Confederation of Nurses,Professions Supplementary To Medicine and Para Medical officers .

The representatives of the Confederation held talks this evening with the officials of the government tressury regarding the demands of the Joint Confederation.