Monday, March 20, 2017

Police Have Arrested A Person With Over 18 Kilo Grammes Of Kerala Cannabis

Police have arrested a person while distributing over 18 kilo grammes
Of Kerala cannabis in a car on wanathawilluwa-Puttalam road.

The stock of cannabis arrested in possession of the suspect believed to be smuggled from India the police have stated

The suspect had been identified as a resident of Puttalam area.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Foreign-Huge Advances In Fighting Against World's Biggest Killer

"Wishwasaya bidunu wita etana mitratwayakata ho kisidu sambandathawayakata pawatmak nomata.Ese wishwasaya kadannawunta ha owunge atmartakametwayatada pawatmak nisi gamanak notibenu atha.Jeewithaya yanu atamunta rawateemak bawata patwa thibeema kangatuwata karunaki.Ese rawattana Aya thama demawpiyan kuda kala  Kiya dee athi Honda naraka amataka Kara thibeema kangatuwaki.Kotinma Taman samaga siti yaluwanda Ada mowunta amataka wee ata..Atmartakametwaya yanu ektara darunu awiyak bawa amataka nokaranna.

Pera dinayaka sandahan kala ayurin Bala janapriyatwayata kisida Honda gatgiguna pawa nodenna.Ese Honda gatgiguna nati karaganna aya vanchanikayn washayen samajagatha wema nowalakwiya hakiya.


A Female Was Arrested With Eighteen Grammes Of Heroin In Borella

Borella Police have arrrsted a 30 year female with 18
grammes and 730 mili grammes of Heroin in her possession in Baseline Road,Borella.

The suspected female has been identified as a resident of Baseline Road.Borelle Police are conducting an investigations on the incident.

Police Special Task Force Personal Arrested A Female With Kerala Cannabis And Narcotic Tablets

Police Special task force  personal have areested a
female with 08 grammes of Kerala Cannabis and 30 narcotic tablets in her possession in gallawatte,Ja Ela area.

The suspected female had been handed over to the Ja Ela police for further investigations.