Saturday, January 14, 2017

Police Have Arrested A Videographer After His Drone Camera Crashing Into The Sacred Stupa In Anuradhapura

Police have yesterday (14) arrested a videographer
believed to be attached to a local private television station following  his drone camera used to video the 'Kapruka puja "festival held at sacred Ruwanweli Mahasaya in Anurdhapura ,had fell and crashed in to the base of Ruwanweli Mahasaya "Stupa" .

The videographer who failed to prove he is atrached to a T.v station by producing the Media Acreditation card issued for the Media personal by the Government Information Department had not obtained prior approval to use Drone Camera to cover the Kapruka Puja festival according to Police.

Police Department has last week announced that anyone using a Drone Camera to cover an event should get a prior approval from the Police.

The suspect has been identified  as a resident in Nugegoda (Colombo).


Dry Weather Affects Wild Elephants Too

Due to the dry weather condition prevailing in the
country at present ,Wild Elephants who are entering villages searching food and water are on the increase it has been revealed.

Due to this situation  villagers in remote areas including in Northern Province are being faced enormous difficulties to save their crops from the Wild Elephants according to sources.

In Northern Province transport activities have been paralyzed during nights on the  road from Puliyankulama in Vavuniya to Nadunkeni area as the Wild Elephants walking through the road to enter villages searching food and water sources revealed.

A Heroin Businessman Was Arrested In Grandpass

Colombo Crimes Division officers have arrested a 34 year old Heroin Businessman with106 grammes of Heroin and around RS.41,000 earned through selling Heroin in his possession near Labor Flats in Grandpass area (Colombo).

The suspect has been identified as a resident of Kotikawatte(Colombo) area .He is due to be produced before Maligakande Magistrate Court today .

A 66 Year Old Person Died After Falling To A Vienna Canal

A 66 year old person has  died after  falling to Vienna
Canal in Mahiyanganaya (Uva Province) last Friday (13)according to repotts.

The deceased succumbed to his injuries after being rescued by a team of Police Cadet officers and admitted  to the Mahiyanganaya Hospital.

The deceased has been identified as a resident of Mahiyanganaya.

Paliyagoda Police And Navy Officers Jointly Arrested Six Persons With Kerala Cannabis

Paliyagoda Police officers and Naval Officers have
today (14) arrested six persons who were transporting three and half  kilo grammes of  Kerala Cannabis at paliyagoda area(Colombo).

Accordingly four persons who were transporting Kerala Cannabis in a three wheeler and two persons transporting in a Motor Cycle got arrested.

The arrested suspects along with the stock of Kerala Cannabis were taken to the Paliyagoda Police station for further investigations.